Petition asking Trump to recognize Antifa as terror group reaches threshold for White House response – IOTW Report

Petition asking Trump to recognize Antifa as terror group reaches threshold for White House response

WaEx: A petition calling on the Trump administration to formally recognize the Antifa movement as a terrorist organization has reached the threshold after which the White House is compelled to reply.

The effort passed the 100,000 benchmark around 8 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday. Though the petition had 30 days to reach that goal, it did so in less than a week.

19 Comments on Petition asking Trump to recognize Antifa as terror group reaches threshold for White House response

  1. Excellent.

    Where the hell is Jeff Sessions, who has authority to criminalize ANTIFA with the stroke of a pen?
    Wasn’t he supposed to be AG? He appears to have recused himself completely from AG and reassigned himself a minor role as “anti-MS-13 czar”.

    ANTIFA and BLM both need to be officially declared as Terrorist Organizations.
    And then Muslim Brotherhood.
    Which will take out CAIR, most of the BDS anti-Semites, and half the DNC/Black Caucus.

  2. Have we learned nothing? Outlaw one name, and the progs just relabel. We have laws against violence. Start prosecuting each one of these useless idiots. And go after the money behind this treason.

  3. People keep saying, “Why won’t Jeff Sessions investigate them?!”

    But how do we know he’s not?

    If we accept the premise that very wealthy globalists like George Soros are bankrolling these anarchists, would it be wise for the DOJ to publicize an investigation of them? It seems to me the most logical course of action is to keep this investigation tight-lipped and very close to the vest. Because the kind of powerful people that would unleash a firestorm to protect Antifa could stop an investigation in its tracks.

    Just because we don’t know about it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

    They are not under any obligation to tell someone they are under investigation. So how do we know Antifa isn’t be investigated? How do we know that Soros himself isn’t being scrutinized?

    We really don’t. Do we?

  4. Once you criminalize an organization, you go after both the ringleaders and the. Donors.

    RICO is a powerful tool. There are many others, including IRS declaring their nonprofit status as “fraudulent”. Serious penalties, easy convictions, massive fines & retro penalties.

    The Left’s dupes need to see these people in orange Federal jumpsuits. Donors don’t grow on trees.

  5. I may be mistaken but I thought that threshold was an arbitrary one made by Obozo. Screw the number, right is right and wrong is wrong. Start rounding up these Soros paid rioters.

  6. Agree with Dianny, Gowdy has been a real disappointment. He was inspiring to listen to back when…but he’s all hat and no cattle. He also sucks up to the black protesters wayyyyy toooo much.

  7. Lyin Paul Ryan’s office just sent me an email whitewashing the Antifascists-fascists (as heroic hate fighters) and denying that there is any moral equivalence between them and the neo-nazis and white supremacists! That it is ‘only’ the neo-Nazis and white supremacists that need to be eradicated from all aspects of society and that the Antifacist-fascists need to have statues erected to their humanity, kindness and peace-loving hearts!

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