Chief architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber Fired For Fraud – IOTW Report

Chief architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber Fired For Fraud


DC: Vermont’s Attorney General has settled the state’s claims of fraud against Jonathan Gruber, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who served as a technical consultant for President Barack Obama and as one of the chief architects of Obamacare.

Under the terms of the settlement, Gruber will no longer work as a taxpayer-funded economic consultant for the state’s health care system and he won’t seek to be paid any money he might be owed, reports the Rutland Herald, a Vermont newspaper.


21 Comments on Chief architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber Fired For Fraud

  1. Obamacare was designed with FAIL written all over it! It was a FAIL when it was conceived, it was a known FAIL when the democRATs shoved it down the throats of the American people, it was a FAIL to even sign up for, and it’s been a giant FAIL ever since… yet somehow it’s Trump’s fault.
    Hand me the phone, I’m calling Barbara Streisand!

  2. A settlement? Why are criminals so easily offered settlements?

    Maybe we should restore every Robt E Lee statue because, in a settlement, he’s agreed to never again own slaves.

  3. Another example of a Two tier judicial system.

    Gruber defrauded the state, Broke the law with false billing for additional money.

    The elite are penalized by not getting the money they wished to defraud from the state.

    Crime with no indictments, monetary penalties or consequences of any kind.

    And Crime Doesn’t pay……..unless you are in the elite club of liars, thieves and scam artists.

  4. Cato is right. It’s a two tier system reinforced by a corrupt media. Another major crime committed by a dem that’s covered up by the media. Where’s 60 mins, matt liar, george stephynoculus, or surly rose?

  5. Why is this guy still breathing?

    He, through his own admission, conspired with others to deceive and defraud his sovereign, with malice aforethought.

    And then his co-conspirators lied about it.

    ALL of them are guilty of Treason.
    ALL of them should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

    What we tolerate, we must endure.
    What we encourage, we increase.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Just moving us down the road to single payer is what it always was. And yes, they knew it would fail. Can’t get to single payer if it doesn’t fail.

    The sad and scary thing is that the SOB was right! But not just the “voters,” as I’m thinking you would have to include a large part of the entire population in the “stupid” category. Even Dogbert could never perform the exorcism to eliminate the stupidity.

    Going back to the bunker now…

  7. Where are the friggin Republicans??
    There should be grandstanding, anger, they cold make political hay.
    I’m not even expecting them to do the right thing for the right reasons. But why do they wimp out on everything?? This jackass not only committed fraud, stole money, but he also showed huge contempt for the rest of us. He mocked us!

    But the GOP which shamelessly begs for donations, shamelessly claims they need power and authority…. they will do nothing. I loath them the most in all this.

  8. Amen, and about time! Shocked, no. Surprised, no. Really think he would be sent to prison, no. But if they could get him, maybe Obama, Hillary, Lynch, Holder, Wasserman-Schultz, just to name a few, won’t be far behind? One can only hope and pray. . . .

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