President Trump To Give Speech On America’s Future In Afghanistan – IOTW Report

President Trump To Give Speech On America’s Future In Afghanistan

DC: President Donald Trump will address the nation Monday night in a speech regarding America’s future in Afghanistan and South Asia, the White House announced Sunday.

The president has been deliberating for months about what to do with America’s longest war in history. Eleven American troops have died in Afghanistan in 2017 as the war nears its 16th year anniversary. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement that President Trump will speak Monday night at 9 p.m. from Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia.

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18 Comments on President Trump To Give Speech On America’s Future In Afghanistan

  1. President Trump, please say you’re going to evacuate all the young Afghan women to America where they will take the place of feminist man-haters and become good wives to American red-blooded males.

  2. Get the hell out. Not our problem. These beings are so far back in the past nothing will ever bring them into the modern world. Why are we wasting billions of dollars fighting their wars when we’re broke? Bring everyone home. I’m sick of this useless war. How long is it going to last? Already been there too long.

  3. @judgeroybean – and then if terrorists trained in Afghan camps attack the US again, just drop bombs on them and obliterate the whole damn place – as an example to others of what will happen if they attack us.

  4. What would the Roman Empire do?

    What would the 19C. British Empire do?

    What would the 1940 Wehrmacht do?

    What would the Chinese Red Army do?

    So any approaches to choose from.

  5. Don’t expect Trump to be long on details like the day and hour he’s going to pull our troops out of there. I suspect, given our America First guiding tenet, there will be no build up of troops as Johnson recommends.

    Anyone else notice that the Left doesn’t care about “The War” anymore? Hmm.

  6. Whenever I hear about our troops in Afghanistan, I can’t help but think about these words from the poetry of Rudyard Kipling. They were written over one hundred years ago when Britain was involved in that country, much as we are today:

    “When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,
    And the women come out to cut up what remains,
    Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
    An’ go to your Gawd like a soldier.”

  7. It would be great for Trump to pull out the same plan when he was supposed to give a press conference on a final statement about Obummer’s birth certificate. The press gathered and instead he spent 28 of the 30 minutes having Military officers step forward to endorse him, then ended with a 60 second sound bite on the BC.

    Except tonight he should lead with things not getting done because of Ryan, McConnell and Democrats. Blast the fake news for trying to paint Antifa as the equivalent of a church choir and then finish with a 2 minute sound byte on how he is not staying in Afghanistan much longer.

    This way he has the attention of millions instead of a couple hundred thousand on twitter.

  8. I need to say this. There’s only been one occupying force in Afghanistan that has beaten them. And that occupying force was Black Water. Big mistake DJT, should have gone with the Mercs and let the Generals Cry.

  9. reboot

    I want to know how many people Mattis has killed. Personally. For that matter the rest of the brass. I never watched a video of Black Water personal hiding behind a brick wall waiting for an airstrike to save their ass. They went and killed the assholes. Lets monetize it. How much do those air strikes cost? Remember the Black Water Contractors killed, burnt, and hung from that bridge? Remember the Roof Top Ambush where Black Water killed everyone in sight. Yea, I’ll go with those salty asshole Black Water guys.

  10. Brad,

    ROE, when you cripple the military response by over burdening them with ROE you get phock for all.

    That was Barky’s Pentagon, cut their legs out from under them, under fund them and then let them shrivel. Then bitch about it.

    Let Mattis spread his wings and be a Marine again.

    Look for the Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan series. You’ll see what the Navy EOD teams had to deal with just to defend themselves. It’ll piss you off.

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