Paul Ryan on Charlottesville: ‘There Are No Sides ‘ – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan on Charlottesville: ‘There Are No Sides ‘

Keep digging that hole, Ryan.


House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) posted to Facebook on Monday regarding what took place in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month when white nationalists clashed with Antifa protesters, resulting in the death of a woman who are deliberately hit by a car and two law enforcement officers who died when the helicopter they were riding in crashed.

A pull quote in the Ryan post seems to push back at what President Donald Trump said at a press conference at Trump Tower on Aub. 15 focused on infrastructure after reporters pressed him about the nature of the protesters in Charlottesville.

“Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides,” Trump said. “If you look at both sides — I think there’s blame on both sides.”

“And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either,” Trump said.

Trump said that there were also people in both groups of protesters that were there to simply to express their opinion — one side wanted to preserve the statue of Robert E. Lee in a park in Charlottesville and the other side believed it should be removed because Lee led the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

“There are no sides,” the pull quote in Ryan’s post states. “There is no other argument. We will not tolerate this hateful ideology in our society.”

In his post Ryan praises the family of Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman who was on the Antifa side of the protest, calling the vehicle attack on her by a man people later said was obsessed with Adolph Hitler “domestic terrorism.”

“Instead of turning to anger, they call for healing and forgiveness,” Ryan writes. “They set a powerful example.”  MORE


12 Comments on Paul Ryan on Charlottesville: ‘There Are No Sides ‘

  1. I despise this stooge a little more every time he opens his mouth. He just can’t help but make snide little remarks as a dig at Trump every chance he gets. That morally superior attitude is grating, especially coming from him.

  2. With Ryan and McConnell in place the real powers that be can still hamstring what Trump is trying to do. Our government, doing the ONE thing they actually do well. Serving their agenda for their benefit.

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