Dem Senator Admits Constituents Don’t Care About Russia Investigation – IOTW Report

Dem Senator Admits Constituents Don’t Care About Russia Investigation

Democratic Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that after completing a walking tour of his state, he learned his constituents didn’t care about the Russia probe.

Dem Senator Admits Constituents Don’t Care About Russia Investigation [VIDEO]

9 Comments on Dem Senator Admits Constituents Don’t Care About Russia Investigation

  1. he says this now because the msm and democrat party need to hide russian collusion since it only pointed back at them.

    now they are off to “Trump is incompetent” and “not presidential enough” again, until they come up with something else to throw at him and see if it sticks.

  2. “not presidential enough”

    Bill Clinton oral sex in the Oval Office Presidential or Barry Obama feet all over the furniture presidential? Which one is it Chrissy?

    He happens to be the Senator from the State I live in, unfortunately. I wonder if he paid of f his student loans yet or that sweetheart mortgage deal he got?

  3. Maybe it’s because the Main Stream Media has invested millions of hours investigating so called scandal and hasn’t been able to produce one document or one witness in 8 months? And, they cannot ignore the fact that every day another document or witness is revealed, making stronger cases for democrat felonies. Meanwhile the main stream media is trying to hide crimes of their democrat bed partners.

  4. Bill Nelson and Charlie Crist in Florida did the same Democrat phoney “walking tour” gimmick.
    Sometimes even posing with fake prop “backpacks” as if they were hitching rides.
    Hilarious in their starched dress shirts, tie loosened and sleeves pushed back, awkwardly holding an obviously empty LLBean 75L.

    MSM went along with the photo opps and never showed the limo, the guards or the army of PR flacks as Pol poses with “everyday folks” in his “walking tour”.

    They really do imagine we’re that stupid.

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