Report: Navy To Relieve Seventh Fleet Commander After String Of Fatal Accidents – IOTW Report

Report: Navy To Relieve Seventh Fleet Commander After String Of Fatal Accidents

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain collided with a large oil tanker early Monday morning in waters east of Singapore. As the tanker was over three times the size of the American warship, it punched a sizable hole in the hull of the destroyer.

Report: Navy To Relieve Seventh Fleet Commander After String Of Fatal Accidents

24 Comments on Report: Navy To Relieve Seventh Fleet Commander After String Of Fatal Accidents

  1. I’m guessing he’s the sacrificial goat on the Altar of Affirmative Action.
    (the Affirmative Action of Lowered Expectations, not race or sex, necessarily)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m guessing he’s the sacrificial goat on the Altar of Affirmative Action.
    (the Affirmative Action of Lowered Expectations, not race or sex, necessarily)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson has ordered multiple reviews and investigations to determine the root cause of this unfortunate trend, which is costing the lives of American sailors.”
    Oh please, after eight years of command under the Affirmative Diversity in Chief, do we really need an ‘investigation’?

  4. All kidding aside, my gut tells me that “something is rotten in Denmark”. All of our technology that was “made in China” very well may be “chickens coming home to roost”. Way too many “incidents” near China and near those man made islands for my tastes.

    These merchant ships are NOT cloaked Klingon vessels. It disturbs me to think that our radar is being blocked, GPS signals are being spoofed, and goodness knows what else is “malfunctioning”……including OUR OWN sailors.

    Okay…enough before the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, and who knows else shows up to “visit” me. Trust me when I say I will NOT be committing suicide.

  5. ‘Collided with’ implies the USSMcCain was the perpetrator of this incident. Look at the damage. It’s quite apparent that the tablet with its ‘bulbous bow’ (which is under the waterline) stove in the port aft while ‘travelling forward’, scraping along the side of the McCain!

    Though there may be other reasons to relieve the commander of the McCain, I think the verbiage should be reversed (ie the tanker ‘collided’ with the McCain), BUT…the alt-left media hates the military, therefore the report as printed stands!

    Yes, words ARE important, but that, my friends, truly sucks!!!

  6. There is no excuse for the McCain to have been T-boned like that, especially after the Fitzgerald was T-boned only a few weeks before. After the Fitz fiasco, the McCain CO should have doubled the lookouts and told them to actually LOOK for other vessels nearby. Because of Navy negligence, ten more of our sailors are dead.

  7. Kamikaze tactics. Modern Freighters pack a lot more tonnage impact than a 1944 Mitsubishi Zero.

    No civil service in the military. Easier to remove defectives & the unqualified. Of which 8 years of Obama have allowed an abundance. Plus another menace, the Bergdahl/Manning types who are both unstable and anti-Americans who enlist to do damage at first opportunity.

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