A Screaming Prosecutor Gives Insight into Chicago Crime – IOTW Report

A Screaming Prosecutor Gives Insight into Chicago Crime

Eagle Rising:

Chicago crime may be affected by the priorities of the people entrusted with prosecuting criminals.

If you’ve wondered about Chicago crime, you might look for clues at the values of the prosecutor’s office. Recently, all charges were dropped against a former gang member with a criminal record who beat an off-duty cop so badly that he has permanent brain damage and stole his gun. The repeat criminal told a story of being insulted with a racial slur, which apparently justified the assault. He said he took the gun for safety.

From the facts admitted by the ex-con he has committed serious crime. You don’t get a license to assault someone because of a racial slur.

On the basis of nothing more than what might be a cover story, he is being let go by State Attorney Kim Foxx’s office.

What her First Assistant State Attorney did in another case may not be as serious, but it again shows the Prosecutor siding with criminals.

The Chicago Tribune reports, “Judge, top prosecutor engage in shouting match over jailing of pregnant woman.”  more

13 Comments on A Screaming Prosecutor Gives Insight into Chicago Crime

  1. I had one day hoped to visit Chicago, specifically the U-505 at the Museum of Science, but I won’t go anywhere near the nuthouse as long as these nuts remain in charge.

  2. @Peter, the U-505 was amazing back in the 90s. It was parked outside then, and once in you were free to explore. The tiny size and claustrophobia were striking–oversized movie sets did not prepare me for how tight everything was.
    I understand it’s inside an enclosed structure now and controls etc are all behind plexiglass. There’s probably some great Virtual Tour and home youTube video online to get the feel without having to enter Cook County.

    Captain Dan Gallery, whose team captured the U-505, wrote a very funny WW2 memoir, “Clear The Decks!” Great book, fascinating guy, great American.

  3. and it won’t take long for someone to realize they should take matters into their own hands. . . oh wait, they already did a movie just like that, coming out Nov 22, just in time for Thanksgiving [https://youtu.be/v_I4zqC7GN8].

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