Kid Rock is not a Kaepernick fan – IOTW Report

Kid Rock is not a Kaepernick fan

Breitbart Sports: Rock star and possible Michigan candidate for U.S. Senate, Kid Rock, rocked the Iowa State Fair last weekend with a mostly politics-free performance that wowed his audience. However, as the show neared its end, the singer apparently couldn’t resist telling the crowd what he thought of former San Francisco 49ers player Colin Kaepernick  and his anthem protests.  MORE

11 Comments on Kid Rock is not a Kaepernick fan

  1. This is what you get when you make no decision.
    The NFL in their stupidity, did not clamp down on disrespect of the flag when it was new and isolated. Now they see boycotts on both sides, the left that wants the teams to hire his lousy, disrespectful ass, and the Right who don’t want to see disrespectful asses like him disrespecting our flag.
    Mrs. Lazlo and I have booted the NFL off our TV, again.
    I don’t think they will be allowed back
    Pampered, self important millionaires need to be shown they are not that important.

  2. I laugh at half-black characters that have the impulse to demonstrate their “blackness” . You are only half black you numb nuts. You want to be a civil rights hero, but you’re nothing but a second rate ball player. Get over yourself moron.

  3. it may have been better if K-prick would have gotten down on both knees in stead of just one- then he could have claimed he was praying for a victorious game LOL stupid idiot and NFL. 🙁

  4. These shitbirds will be in a soup line in another couple of years. Putting themselves out of a job by pure stupidity. Then of course, they’ll complain about the bigotry of the fan base that cost them their hard earned careers.

  5. NFL coaches and owners mostly have NO balls to tell their players to stand up for TEAM ACTIVITIES (that’s what they are getting paid for) and do whatever political protest of the day is, on their own time, not on company time.

  6. I’m sick of these over-paid asshole prima-donnas that can’t respect the flag of the very country that gave them the opportunity to go to college for free and earn millions playing a game!
    Here in Cleveland we have the biggest bunch of losers (Won 1 game last yer – whoopie fizz!!) and now we got a dozen dipshitz this year who don’t want to respect the flag, a head coach who’s just fine with it (because THEY TOLD HIM they were going to do it, and an AWOL crooked owner who doesn’t give a shit. The inmates are running the asylum!
    To Hell with the NFL!
    Fuck their ratings!

  7. Does Caperdick Have Any Football Fans ??? NO ! Only Political Fans and People Who Hate Football ! The Left Has Got to Be Overjoyed Watching The NFL Fumble Their Footing !!!

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