CA: Petition— No more homeless encampments on the Santa Ana River Trail – IOTW Report

CA: Petition— No more homeless encampments on the Santa Ana River Trail

From O.C. Citizens United:

“Homeless encampments along the Santa Ana River Trail and in our city parks deprive us the use of our parks, bring crime into our neighborhoods and businesses, and degrade our quality of life. It is illegal to camp on the river trail or in city parks. This mass defiance of the law undermines the law’s ability to protect all of us.  We demand the vigorous and sustained enforcement of these anti-camping ordinances, and a crackdown on criminality in the homeless encampments by the County of Orange, the City of Anaheim and the City of Orange. We support helping the homeless who are willing to do what’s necessary to become independent, productive members of society, but those who repeatedly refuse help cannot be allowed to camp and live on the Santa Ana River trail or in our city parks.


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It’s time for our elected officials to empower law enforcement to enforce the law, and reclaim our public parks for the use of the public.”


14 Comments on CA: Petition— No more homeless encampments on the Santa Ana River Trail

  1. Oh, 💩, did stench of their welcome cup, extended to every ILLEGAL alien and activity, finally runneth over? Poor babies. Invite vermin into your home and you’ll soon have to move out.

  2. GoFundMe: Send them all to San Francisco. Don’t worry about the homeless bringing needles, disease, and addiction to San Fran, it’s already there waiting for them!

  3. MM is exactly right. If they wanted to save Santa Ana, that ship sailed about 25 or so years ago. The illegals have turned that place upside down, gang / drug activity has wrought anarchy. It has become a shithole. It should be used as a model of the failure of unenforced illegal immigration, anchor babies, etc. and it has consequently turned into an American Tijuana. Everyone who believes in liberalism should come visit.

  4. Disneyland had the city of Anaheim remove all the bus benches around the park to detour them from sleeping on them. It’s a mess down harbor blvd. going south. Looks like hobo junction all along the river. It’s all industrial businesses down there and they’re always changing the drug addicts away from properties looking for a safe place to shoot up or smoke their shit. It’s a fucking mess.

  5. Here in Oregon, every time a city tries to enact ANY law aimed at curbing this blight, the ACLU is right there threatening a lawsuit. Most small cities don’t have the resources to take on the ACLU, so we the people are screwed. The ACLU is a criminal/treasonous organization that MUST be eliminated.

  6. But they all got top of the line cell phones! 🤣 Gotta have a cell phone to call your drug order in, ya know. 🖕💩🤡❄️ Eat shit and die, I’m having burgers tonite, bitches!!!

  7. The Santa Ana river is dry the majority of the time so it’s become nothing more than a trench latrine. I’ll bet that “aroma” hangs over the entire basin just like the smog. It must be an experience to step out of the house in the morning and draw your first breath.

  8. The SA river trail used to be a fine morning ride from NE-OC all the way down to Newport-Huntington Beach areas.
    I imagine “open sewer” pretty much describes what it might be now, 20 years later.
    “Mass defiance”.
    Where are you supposed to go when you have nowhere to go?

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