Did a Republican and a Hillary ally pay GPS for the phony Russia Dossier? – IOTW Report

Did a Republican and a Hillary ally pay GPS for the phony Russia Dossier?

Howie Carr: One of the biggest mysteries looming over the Trump-Russia saga is the identity of the political donors who hired opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Donald Trump.

Almost no information has been provided in press reports about a Hillary Clinton ally who, last June, reportedly hired Fusion GPS to investigate the former real estate magnate. Fusion would go on to hire former British spy Christopher Steele to carry out that investigation. He compiled a 35-page dossier of uncorroborated allegations about Trump’s activities in Russia that BuzzFeed News published in January.

Some clues have been released regarding a Republican who reportedly hired Fusion GPS. According to news reports, that client is a major GOP donor who was adamantly opposed to Trump. They reportedly hired Fusion GPS in Sept. 2015 and paid the Washington, D.C.-based firm nearly $1 million to investigate Trump.

Determining the identity of the donors has proved difficult. Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, isn’t saying. During a 10-hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Simpson declined to identify any of his clients, citing confidentiality agreements.

But The Daily Caller is able to rule out at least some major, anti-Trump Republicans as Fusion clients.

Nearly a dozen so-called “Never Trump” GOP donors reached by TheDC over the past month deny that they hired Fusion to investigate Trump. The heads of two super PACs that opposed Trump also say that they are not aware of who the Fusion GPS client might be, or even if there is one.

Campaign managers for Trump’s top competitors also told The Washington Examiner’s Byron York this week that they have no information about the alleged donor.

That absence of information is raising a larger question beyond the identity of the donor: does the Republican Fusion GPS client actually exist?

The idea that a Republican donor first hired Fusion GPS came about in a New York Times article published on Jan. 11, a day after BuzzFeed News published the Trump dossier.  MORE

13 Comments on Did a Republican and a Hillary ally pay GPS for the phony Russia Dossier?

  1. I knew he would pardon Sheriff Joe. I supported Sheriff Joe. Thank you Mr. President. If Hillary won, Sheriff Joe would die in jail.
    I watched “Death of a Gunfighter” last night, with Richard Widmark as the Sheriff of a small corrupt town.
    He made the town too clean for the politicians so they shot him to death. Sheriff Joe was headed for the same fate, but the good President intervened . UUUURRRRRAAAAAHHHHHH. MAGA!

  2. You are right Brad. Gorka is out. Something terrible is happening.
    I loved that guy. But his reasoning for his quitting is frightening. Now we are supposed to have Bannon and Gorka outside the box fighting people in the box. WTF?

  3. Moe, I think it’s good. We are forming teams on the inside and out to move MAGA forward like never before.

    Of course, I am wearing rose-colored glasses right now.

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