‘Allahu Akbar!’ Brussels Machete Man Shot After Attacking Soldiers – IOTW Report

‘Allahu Akbar!’ Brussels Machete Man Shot After Attacking Soldiers

Breitbart: Soldiers in Brussels, Belgium have shot a man after he attacked soldiers with a machete, injuring two.

The incident took place at Émile Jacqmain Avenue in in the Belgian capital at around 8:30, Het Laatste Nieuws reports.

Early reports indicate that the attacker — who is thought to be alive but in critical condition — was a 30-year-old Somalian who shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he launched his attack. One of his victims has been left with a head injury.

There is a heavy police presence in the area and public transport has been restricted.  more

10 Comments on ‘Allahu Akbar!’ Brussels Machete Man Shot After Attacking Soldiers

  1. What is causing these Belgians, French, Spanish, Germans, Swedish, English and Finns to act so crazy? Perhaps a European Commission to study the dangerous effects of Climate Change on immigrants from warmer countries is in order. Something sinister is happening in Europe, and it needs to be studied to ascertain if it is something in the water or atmosphere or cuisine that is causing this murderous behavior. Maybe the United Nations needs to appoint a committee headed by Iran to get to the bottom of this weird, unsusal and foreign behavior before it gets out of control.

  2. @Marco

    How many more messengers of Mohammad must die practicing their centuries old traditions and culture before the EU acts to protect them from police and the military.

    The EU has condoned the brutal and deadly retaliation against practitioners of peaceful islam and their advanced culture.

    France will bend over and lead the way to protect the upright peaceful refugees by giving every muslim male a machete commemorating the great advancements made by the islamic culture.

  3. “motive unknown” That’s their problem right there.

    Oh, new public transportation rule: No machetes allowed. Eventually they’ll get around to banning explosives. That will really turn things around.

  4. outside buck palace London yesterday devout muslim car jihadi with 4` long sword tries to run 3 cops over arrested while shouting the old ” snack-bar ” MET police confused to the reason why !

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