John Kasich Teaming Up with Democrat for Independent Presidential Run in 2020? – IOTW Report

John Kasich Teaming Up with Democrat for Independent Presidential Run in 2020?

The simple fact that this is a story is evidence enough to confirm that Ohio Governor John Kasich (R-OH) is the RINO we all thought he was.

According to recent reports Kasich and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D-CO) are deep in discussions about forming a bipartisan ticket for an Independent run at the White House in 2020.

The two men have made a series of appearances together with the major theme being about what state’s can do to improve healthcare for their citizens. However, Axios has learned that there may be something much bigger going on than just joint appearances, the two men may actually be considering joining forces in a Presidential bid.  more

28 Comments on John Kasich Teaming Up with Democrat for Independent Presidential Run in 2020?


    It HAS worked in the past:
    ♣️1992: Ross Perot 19,743,821

    ♣️1994: Ross Perot 8,085,294

    ♣️ 2000: Ralph Nader 2,882,955
    Patrick J. Buchanan 448,895

    With only 2 candidates, the RINOs will hold their nose and vote for Trump. But with an alternate choice, they won’t need to hold their nose, they can do something with their vote, and that will be the RINO ticket.

  2. If Trump can get rid of the traitors that surround him and McConnell is successfully primaried and 2018 is a good year for the Republicans/Conservatives then an Independent ticket with those two will just draw off from the Democrats and Greens. The reason I say this is that if Trump gets the support from the Senate he’s supposed to (remember that Harry Reid was a rat bastard but he was a rat bastard that served Obama and the Left Democrats well with or without a majority) he’ll make such a difference that even moderate Dems as well as Libertarians will vote for him. But it all hinges on cleaning out the immediate swamp around the President.

  3. So who’s funding this campaign? Doubtful the RNC is going to give him a dollar to run a split ticket or they’d never get another buck. Or let him in the primary.

    He didn’t get 2% in the primary last time. He just kept hanging around and hanging around to be a pain. The media love him because he always insults conservatives and always makes kissy faces to Democrats.

    Go back to eating like a pig at the diner, Johnny. Go take a knee during the anthem with the Browns. There are a number of slightly more charismatic RINOs than you available.

  4. I laughed out loud (really) when I saw that.
    Maybe the doofus should align himself with Chelsea Clinton and put the Clinton Foundation band back together (it worked for the Blues Brothers…sort of) Besides, it would give Hillary another reason to bitch and write another book.

    The more ridiculous this gets, it makes Trump look like a cinch in 2020.

  5. Pooper Scooper Hickenlooper and the Mailman’s squint are teaming up to run for President and Vice President of the United Cesspool League! Should be good for many a laugh!

  6. John Kasich signed the Republican Loyalty Pledge to support the Republican nominee, who ever it was, and then told us on national television that he would support Donald Trump. Then we watched him reneg on both promises as well as embarrass himself by asking the Republicans to have their convention in Cleveland and then not show up. He has demonstrated beyond any doubt that his signature AND his word mean absolutly nothing!
    With his words a man makes covenant and his signature is evidence of his covenant.
    A man is only as good as his word. If you say you will do something, you do it.
    If you make a promise, you keep it.
    If you sign your name to a document, you abide by the all rules and statements of the document.
    When a man breaks his word, he breaks all credibility.
    If you break your word, you are a not a man, you are a boy, and will be treated as such.
    Real men know and understand this. A man’s word is the measure of his character and his integrity. John Kasich has neither. He’s a pathetic liar. He is navel lint, which I guess explains why he wants to team up with a squirrely democRAT!

  7. The two Johns – great ad.
    Just another example of how establishment Republicans simply don’t get it. We don’t want compromise. We don’t want compassionate (liberal) Republicans.
    And Hick’s legacy of Bloomberg anti-gun legislation is not going to help Kasich.
    Two bone heads about to be unemployed since they are both terming out going on a comedy tour.

  8. TO Half Assed

    Half assed indeed! Your “equation” omits the Democrat side, not seeing that such a ticket would give any Dem RIGHT of Sanders (regardless of who is their torchbearer in 2020) an *out*.

  9. These two clowns together couldn’t get the votes of their combined in-laws.

    Splitting the Trump vote with RINOs won’t work in 2020.

    Plus, both the Green Party and the Libertarians are now permanent fixtures and will reliably draw off Hard Left votes from the Dems every 4 years.

  10. This has shitface soros written all over it. Water down the ticket and hope either a DIM paid for rat, or an Independent paid for rat gets in the house.

    same shit as perot.

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