Why Is Congress Not Investigating Obama’s Unprecedented Political Espionage? – IOTW Report

Why Is Congress Not Investigating Obama’s Unprecedented Political Espionage?

DC: An award-winning national security correspondent for CIRCA News believes Congress needs to launch an investigation into Obama-era unmasking and warrantless surveillance of Americans, according to an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Sara A. Carter, of the Sinclair Broadcasting Group, has been an overseas war correspondent for the bulk of her professional life and grew up in the Middle East.

She was one of the first reporters to reveal Obama administration political espionage, and unprecedented unmasking and surveillance of Americans by using the national security apparatus. The Obama administration loosened the privacy protections for innocent Americans in 2011 – including accessing information from priests, attorney/client relationships, and doctors, she said.

The administration scoured Americans’ private conversations “at an exponential rate,” she said. From 2011 to January 2017, the unmasking increased over 300 percent. She also revealed the Obama administration was accessing emails at a rate of one out of every 20 Americans, an incredible 5 percent of citizens.

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18 Comments on Why Is Congress Not Investigating Obama’s Unprecedented Political Espionage?

  1. Why isn’t Congress fulfilling “any” of their duties and responsibilities?

    Their goals are to enrich themselves, their contributors and be re-elected to maintain their power and control.

    Ryan and McCONnell are there to maintain the swamp and financially support those who perpetuate their good old boy agenda of control, corruption and pay to play politics.

    I mean, Why else did Ryan and McConnell support every Obama initiative and now obstruct Trump’s every move to honor his promises to the majority of Americans who elected him as President?

    Dump Ryan, McConnell and those like them.

  2. Everything thats done up there is guided by its political impact. They are terrified to face the outcry of democrat/leftist public opinion. In other words, they’re sniveling little cowards.

  3. Why Is Congress Not Investigating Obama’s Unprecedented Political Espionage?

    Because We The People have not sufficiently reminded them exactly who is in charge and what our demands are.

  4. Not all of them are RINO’s but them and those that so greatly fear a voter backlash if they dare to question Obama’s honesty or talk about his attempts to subvert the consitution the GOP figures they wouldn’t have enough to form a majority. The RINO’s will always be RINO’s and the conservative base should be working to remove them from office through a nomination battle but the others that fear for their seats should realize that however slowly the landscape is changing and that is proven by Trumps election.

  5. They feed from the same trough. The same people who are paying off BHO with a megamillion dollar book deal are the same people who feed the swamp critters.

    Silence appears to be a comodity in DC worth more than gold or platinum. When dealing with the Clintons, it is probably more a matter of life or death, albeit with some financial reward if you choose life.

  6. Wow. Just wow. The advent of the Internet and Trump’s election turned over the biggest rock in the U.S. The amount of slime, filth and shit underneath should be sufficient to cause a rebellion.

  7. Congress is too busy trying to figure out how to NOT repeal zerocare and how NOT to lower taxes and just HOW they can rid themselves of President Trump! Those and schmoozing/boozing pretty much takes up all their days!!!

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