Berkeley Police Allowed Antifa to Jump Barricades, Assault Demonstrators – IOTW Report

Berkeley Police Allowed Antifa to Jump Barricades, Assault Demonstrators

Breitbart: Berkeley police deliberately allowed masked “Antifa” anarchists to jump a barricade and attack a demonstration by a peaceful right-wing group on Sunday, leading to five assaults, including on Patriot Prayer group leader Joey Gibson.

The counter-demonstration had reportedly been “largely peaceful” until that point.

The police later defended their decision by arguing that keeping the anarchists out would have led to greater violence. There was “no need for a confrontation over a grass patch,” Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood said, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The original “No to Marxism” protest had been denied a permit by the city, but a small group of protesters showed up anyway, as did 2,000 “largely peaceful” counter-demonstrators, the Mercury News reported. reported that there were 400 police on hand to prevent violence. But they stepped aside, the Mercury News reported, when over 100 masked anarchists “busted through police lines, avoiding security checks by officers to take away possible weapons.”


10 Comments on Berkeley Police Allowed Antifa to Jump Barricades, Assault Demonstrators

  1. Each Agitifan Wants Their Tieneman Foto Op , or at Least A Night In Jail !
    So Let’s Set Up A Work Camp ! Sure We’d Have To Feed ’em, But Think of The Fun !!! They all Get The Same T- Shirt With The Donald on it – Hows That For a Socialized Work Camp !!!

  2. Handy : That’s Perfect…We’ll Get Mike Rowe Teach Them Tools ! By The Third Day They’ll Have Learned The Hammer etc , And Will Be Allowed To Stop Running Laps… For Hammer and Pick Breaks !!!

  3. The feds put the LAPD under Federal oversight when the city was forced to sign a Consent Decree else the Feds would have sued them over Rampart and other problems in the force. Sessions ought to send in some lawyers (that can be trusted to do an honest job) to review the handling of the demonstrations by the Berkley PD and if they have been the cause of assaults or have treated one side differently then the other then go for a Consent Decree here as well. Wouldn’t that just pop the top of the Chief and Mayor of this bustling little corner of fascist education.

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