ACORN’s Project Vote is dead, now they’re suing CA to allow more illegals to vote – IOTW Report

ACORN’s Project Vote is dead, now they’re suing CA to allow more illegals to vote

Bombthrowers: ACORN’s Project Vote is dead. If you hate voter fraud, you should be happy.

I’ve been so busy covering the leftist uprising in the country that I just noticed that Project Vote announced it was shutting its doors on May 31 of this year.

Project Vote, the voter mobilization division of now-defunct ACORN, leaves behind a legacy of lies, criminal conspiracies, and voter fraud, including millions upon millions of fraudulent voter registrations. Barack Obama worked for Project Vote in 1992 when he conducted a voter drive that helped to elect one-term U.S. senator, Carol Mosely Braun (D-Ill.), who like Obama in office, was friendly to African dictators.

The Project Vote website contains a goodbye message:  



… ACORN sues California to allow more illegals to vote.  Bill Clinton’s Motor-Voter law has made massive voter fraud possible

An ACORN offshoot and other left-wing pressure groups are suing California in federal court because the state hasn’t made it easy enough for Democrats to flood voter rolls with illegal aliens and foreign nationals who aren’t legally eligible to vote.

Throughout the years Mickey Mouse, Mary Poppins, and celebrities living and dead were registered to vote because now-defunct ACORN and its allied groups were allowed to pollute the voter rolls.

The ACORN successor group known as ACCE Institute, League of Women Voters of California, California Common Cause, and the National Council of La Raza want to compel the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to incorporate voter registration material into the forms needed to apply for or renew a driver’s license or state identification card, or submit a change of address. They claim the DMV is violating the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), popularly called “Motor-Voter,” by asking the more than a million California residents who renew by mail every year to fill out a separate voter registration form.

Other election fraud-promoting state policies already exist in the Golden State, which is a haven for illegal aliens and illegal voting. more

6 Comments on ACORN’s Project Vote is dead, now they’re suing CA to allow more illegals to vote

  1. La Raza in San Diego , Has always Been a Group of Vile Chicano Activist – Gang Members and Mexican Malcontents ! As a Kid I Couldn’t Stand Them !!!
    They Are The Most Offensive Fu<ks Around !!!

  2. Predatory lenders Herb and Marion Sandler paid ACORN $11 million over the years to attack Wells Fargo, the main competition in California for their lending institution, World Savings Bank. The Sandlers are radical left-wingers who belong to George Soros’s Democracy Alliance, a club of billionaires that funds political infrastructure aimed at pushing America to the left. The Sandlers are loan sharks whom Time magazine included in its “25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis” list. They preyed on the poor for years and paid ACORN, which also preys on the poor, to help them. They bankrolled several orgs involved in the ACORN-ACCE voter reg frauds. Her 2012 obit in Forbes, “instituted borrowing practices that were largely blamed for the housing market collapse”. 

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