“Town drunks ask for keys to local tavern.” – IOTW Report

“Town drunks ask for keys to local tavern.”

Michelle Malkin

[Doug Powers]

Dem senator suggests better way to ‘fund disasters’ (what could go wrong?)

Now that the Senate’s debating legislation to help fund rescue and disaster recovery efforts in Texas, the MSM, Dems (and at least one Republican) have been critical of Texas Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn’s 2012 vote against a Superstorm Sandy relief package. What they’re not pointing out is that the issue was with unrelated pork added to the bill and not enough money was in the form of direct aid.

Democrat U.S. senator from Connecticut, Chris Murphy, wants to cut through disaster funding red tape this way:


8 Comments on “Town drunks ask for keys to local tavern.”

  1. What a moron but then Murphy comes from Connecticut, which isn’t really a state but rather a corporate address. Cruz ought rip a strip off the GOP congressman King. The man is an asshole and the GOP would be better of with a Democrat in that seat.

  2. Reboot,
    Was thinking the same. SS used to be in its own FedGov “account”……until the Dihimmiocrats moved ALL that lovely untouched money to the General Fund, and put IOUs in their place.
    Never trust ANY gooberment with your money.

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