Stiletto-Gate!!! – IOTW Report


Patriot Retort: So, President Trump and First Lady Melania left for Texas a short while ago.

And all the press seems to talk about is Melania’s stiletto heels.


No, I’m not kidding.

Keep in mind, these are the same people that cooed like over-indulgent stage mothers every time Michelle Obama stepped outside the White House.

Michelle could be dressed like a walking Rorschach test while wearing frumpy flats, and still they would crown her a fashion diva.

They fawned over her fashion sense as if she was actually fashionable. Which, of course, she never was.

In case you’ve forgotten, here’s the fashion diva herself leaving Marine One.  MORE

SNIP: And you just know the same women (and some men, not judging) who are complaining are probably trying to figure out what brand they are, so that they can buy the same pair—just before they call for a ban on them. lol.

30 Comments on Stiletto-Gate!!!

  1. When they landed in Texas she was wearing “tennis shoes” (they were white flat athletic looking) and a baseball cap that said FLOTUS. Now, they are losing their minds because she was wearing that hat! BTW, as a woman, she looks fantastic no matter what she wears. Hey stupid “journalists,” you can change clothes on Air Force One–for the love of that is good and kind.

  2. When the President and Melania were at the news conference in Texas this morning (after exiting Air Force One) she was wearing white tennis shoes. I noticed because I just purchased a new pair of white tennis shoes myself.
    What a bunch of jealous Liberals picking on such a lovely woman.
    She is always dressed appropriately and respectfully when exiting Air Force One.

  3. My take is that Melania shows the proper respect for the White House and the position she holds. So when leaving the WH she dressed appropriately.

    And if she had left the White House in sneakers and a ball cap, they would have bitched about that.

    There’s no pleasing people who go out of their way to be displeased.

  4. You gotta remember these are the same clods that complained about the money spent on dressing Sarah Palin for the Veep campaign 9 years ago; Sarah’s Alaskan wardrobe would have been picked apart by these same morons. so, since ya can’t beat these maroons, just ignore them.

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