Illinois Republican Governor Signs Sanctuary State Law – IOTW Report

Illinois Republican Governor Signs Sanctuary State Law

Breitbart: Illinois’ Republican Governor Bruce Rauner signed legislation shielding the nearly 500,000 illegal aliens from federal immigration law.

Rauner signed the sanctuary state bill into law on Monday, making it illegal for law enforcement to arrest or detain illegal aliens solely based on their immigration status, the Chicago Tribune noted.

The new law will essentially make it impossible for Illinois police to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) when they have a suspected criminal illegal alien on their hands, thus increasing the possibility that they will be freed back into the general public.

The sanctuary state law also makes it illegal for local law enforcement to arrest an illegal alien, even if the individual is wanted by ICE for immigration violations.

Rauner’s signing of the sanctuary state law ushers in a new era for Illinois. Currently, there is a booming illegal alien population of more than 450,000, according to Pew Research. Of those illegal aliens in the state, more than 70 percent are from Mexico. As Breitbart Texas reported, the open borders lobby cheered the new law, saying it will “attract more immigrants” to the state.

The big business lobby in Illinois is also likely to support the law, as the Chicago Council on Global Affairs recently asked that the state bring in more immigrants to take low-skilled jobs, despite a widespread problem with African-American youth unemployment, as Breitbart Texas reported.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

SNIP: Those who live in Illinois  please tell us what’s going on with this.

24 Comments on Illinois Republican Governor Signs Sanctuary State Law

  1. I’m glad that I didn’t post my initial reaction. We’ll see how this goes. I predict it won’t go well Hopefully the governor and his family are recipients of the consequences.

  2. Chicago is bankrupt and Illinois isn’t that much better. The Statehouse is dominated by Democrats and this dick is about the sole Republican and you can bet that Illinois just joined California at the bottom of the list of states getting federal money. At some point Chicago is going to explode, Rahm is going to run to his brother in LA and the Guv is going to be left holding the bodybag. Well, at least maybe those illegals crossing into Canada will instead run to Illinois instead.


    Remember when Obama told that to Arizona when they tried to pass immigration laws, and were nullified?

    Someone’s got to get this SHOW DOWN started, and win it.

  4. I live here and know exactly what’s going on.

    If you want something done to your property, a well spoken American will visit your residence (I call him the translator) and hammer out a deal. Be it construction, landscaping, cleaning, repair… you name it.

    The day of the job, about a dozen mexicans will descend onto the property and start cooking tacos in the truck. An hour later, the translator will appear and start directing the mexicans.

    That’s typical business around here. On any given weekday in the afternoon, 2 of 5 cars on the road are trucks driven by mexicans, moving from one job to the next, following around the translator.

    I’ve learned my lesson, and only hire the Polish or Americans. I ask up front if any mexicans will be on the job.

  5. a governor enacts a state law that negates a federal law. you think that will stand up in court? Sedition, treason, maybe but surely idiotic. hope your voters kick your ass out asap, gov

  6. Does not matter who the governor is or will be, because Madigan is the real power in Illinois.

    Ten years ago, Elvira Arellano was “hiding out” in a Chicago church. Was not arrested until she went to California for a protest.

    By the way, Illinois has been handing our drivers licenses to illegals since 2013.

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