Hollywood Suffers Steepest Summer Slump of Modern Era – IOTW Report

Hollywood Suffers Steepest Summer Slump of Modern Era


The failure of sequels (“sequelitis”) and R-rated movies sickened summer box-office receipts, a new report on Hollywood’s woes reveals.

This summer’s 16% slump in domestic revenue is the worst of the modern era, analysis by The Hollywood Reporter shows:

“The sequelitis virus that first invaded Hollywood last year only grew worse this summer. A number of franchise installments underperformed domestically, including Transformers: The Last Knight ($132 million), The Mummy ($80.1 million) and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales ($172 million). While Pirates 5certainly fared the best, it paled in comparison to the previous installments.”

‘The only film to break the R-rated curse was Malcolm D. Lee’s Girls Trip, from Universal and producer Will Packer, which has earned $108.1 million to date.”

Even big-name stars couldn’t save R-rated comedies like “Baywatch,’ “The House” and “Rough Night,” the article notes.

In all, domestic box-office revenue is down nearly six percent in 2017.

SNIP: Have you seen the price of a movie ticket lately?

34 Comments on Hollywood Suffers Steepest Summer Slump of Modern Era

  1. The combination of pitiful remakes of classics, boring and lecturing movie themes, and the open hostility of many actors toward the viewing public tends not to put asses in seats.

  2. I’m still laughing at how all those actors-turned-political-activists *thought* this would end! They didn’t stop to do the math on this. No wonder they love socialism.

  3. If only Hollyweird could tap into an underserved market thriving for original content that reinforced core beliefs in humanity, faith, perseverance, and doing the right thing…but I digress.
    They’d rather shame the audience for not being as enlightened as they are and spit in our face during their little award ceremonies.

  4. I’ve been to 1 movie so far this year. Almost none of the crap that comes out of Hollyweird is worth watching. And I’m getting sick and tired of superhero movies of any kind, I could care less about Blunderwoman or the upcoming Justice League movie. Now if they were to make a good old fashioned Western (ain’t gonna happen but one can hope) or just plain good movie I might go, maybe.

  5. It has been a while since I have seen an original good movie – I think it was Grand Torino. Most of what comes out of hollywood is crap. The crap movie with a bad storyline or sick values. Then you have “shootem up” action actors who have made their fortunes brandishing guns talk about needing tighter gun control laws – massive fail.

    Actors are paid to present a story. No-body wants to here their wacked out political views or previsions. I remember a time where most of the male actors were war heroes. Now it rare for an actor to even talk nicely about the members of the US Military.

  6. There are so many actors whose movies I won’t pay to see, just because I hate everything that comes out of their mouths when they aren’t acting. Not one of them would be or have anything if it wasn’t for the rest of us. They forgot that.

  7. I used to look forward to catching a new movie….back in the 80s. Back then, I went into a temple filled with red, crushed velvet seats. The giant curtain remained closed just until the previews started. By then I was ready with popcorn…popped in coconut oil, big soda, jr mints…which didn’t set me back another 40 bucks. And the blessed silence of anticipation. Sigh. Happy times. Not so today. Today you pay through the nose…even when you KNOW THE DAMN FLICK will be out on Netflix in a month. And the prices of food. So over the top! You smuggle your stuff in just to spite them. And today you must endure constant noise and images and idiot quizzes on a movie screen that is just a little bigger than a modern tv. If you are like me, in your mid 50s or older, and you chose to watch your freak show in 3D, then you get to deal with the instant migraine that will send you to the bathroom vomiting all that overpriced junk up. And it tastes worse coming up. You will go home and pray that you aren’t stroking out. The migraine will last a full day at least. But you will keep the blinds drawn and the house in reverent silence and promise yourself never to go to another movie again. Ever. And I have been quite successful!

  8. The nearest movie theatre is four hours from where I live, so I haven’t seen a movie in-theatre for more than 30 years. Having said that, you couldn’t pay me to watch ANYTHING Hollywood produces. I am not giving my hard-earned money to a bunch of Godless degenerates to support lifestyles and political positions that disgust me.

  9. The last time I went to the Theatre ( Thee uh tuh) was for Armageddon…(keep in mind I live in Key West) 1998? I was enjoying the show…and sipping on My Rum Laced $14 Soda…when some freak plopped down next to Me..and started to rub My leg…Needless to say neither of us saw the rest of the Movie…and I was no longer welcome in the Cinema…(pre cell phone video days)

  10. I saw Dunkirk and I wish I could get my money back.

    I like creapy and Get Out was fun. Stephen King can rot in his progressiveness. Not t a dime from me. I will not see IT. I hope he ends up in hell tormented by demonic clowns.

  11. If Hollywood wasn’t bat$hit, genocidal crazy left, they’d have made dump trucks full of money from movies like, oh I don’t know, patriotic movies during the Gulf War…..

    I heard years ago Bruce Willis had in mind to make an old fashioned USA patriotic movie of the Marines re-taking Fallujah. What a spectacular movie The Battle of Fallujah could have been in celebrating American Marines and Americana…

    I’d say this would happen in an alternate world, but I feel like we are living in the alternate history of the world.

  12. Out side of streaming sites, you can screw with google by using the app Adnauseam in your browsers. It’s a add blocker but also clicks on the adds increasing google to charge more to advertisers. Because of this app they have been refunding money to alot of companies. /POL/ is life, /POL/ is love!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Hollywood does not get it!
    They are trying to sell a new sleek brand of paper thin toilet paper. Use it for one wipe and you have a handful of sheet.
    Nobody wants to buy another roll.

  14. I grew up in Hollywood. I saw movies in all the theaters down there. I even got a few wax Buddhas or Eiffel towers in that machine at Graumanns Chinese theater.
    It USED to be a place to go and see the movie. I won’t go into a theater now. It’s too loud. Everybody has their phones out and ringing and talking.
    Don’t get me started about people who won’t shut up.
    In my house, you can’t get shot for telling some somebody to STFU.

  15. Too much competition for Hollywood to continue with business as usual. Internet streaming services combined with large screen televisions and enhanced sound systems, not to mention DVDs, make going to the movies a more expensive option.

  16. constant ridicule of me and my conservative beliefs caused us to stop paying to be insulted. Now i get insulted for free or at discounted prices.

    That and all the AI took the fun right out of movies for me.

  17. Hollywood had a 100 year run. Radio came and went, so did the record industry. Industries get replaced.
    At least they didn’t have the government stomping them out and grandstanding over them. Meh.
    In addition, by promoting their values, they’ve ruined alot of vulnerable lives. Good riddance I say.

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