Louisiana’s Democratic Governor, John Bel Edwards, Sending Tax Dollars to Chinese Company Tied to Communist Party – IOTW Report

Louisiana’s Democratic Governor, John Bel Edwards, Sending Tax Dollars to Chinese Company Tied to Communist Party

American Lookout: Louisiana’s Democratic Governor, John Bel Edwards, is sending $4.3 million from tax payers to a Chinese chemical company that is partially owned by the Chinese Community Party.

The Washington Free Beacon reported:

Edwards announced Monday that Wanhua Chemical had agreed to invest $1.1 billion to build a plant in Louisiana in exchange for the grant and a series of tax breaks, including an exemption from property taxes on the plant for 10 years.

The company also will benefit from the state’s Quality Jobs Rebate program, which will grant a 6 percent cash rebate for up to 80 percent of the company’s payroll for new jobs over the next decade. Wanhua Chemical’s entire payroll will be eligible for the rebate beginning in 2018.


SNIP: Image is not photoshopped.

9 Comments on Louisiana’s Democratic Governor, John Bel Edwards, Sending Tax Dollars to Chinese Company Tied to Communist Party

  1. If it’s anything like some of the Asian plants I’ve seen established here there will not be anything American about it except the soil it sits on. Every single piece of equipment will be Chicom as will most of the people and all of the Engineering. Jobs my foot! I shudder to think about safety standards in a Chicom Chemical plant!!

  2. “Image not photoshopped” – LMFAO; damn right it’s not Photoshopped.

    This is why I long ago nicknamed this Libtard asshole “Governor Ackbar” because he looks like Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars III – The Search For More Money

    just say “IT’S A TRAP!” in a gurgly raspy voice

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