NBC Insider Claims People Are In ‘Total Panic’ Over Megyn Kelly’s New Show – IOTW Report

NBC Insider Claims People Are In ‘Total Panic’ Over Megyn Kelly’s New Show

AL: Megyn Kelly’s Sunday night show was cancelled after only eight episodes. Now, NBC is getting ready to launch her morning show and the drama continues. According to one person on the inside, lots of people are worried.

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23 Comments on NBC Insider Claims People Are In ‘Total Panic’ Over Megyn Kelly’s New Show

  1. Here in Texas we have a saying which is:

    How you do people is who you are.

    MK is a backstabbing viper.

    She is despised by people in her industry and viewers have
    zero use for the opportunistic c—.

  2. What coke snorting moron thought this was ever going to work out anyway?

    The news is politically polarized. People who like news from one pole usually hate everyone associated with news from the other pole.

    Kelly worked for Fox News; so she is tainted in the eyes of everyone who watches left wing news sources. That will never change. Progtards don’t forgive. And Kelly pretty much told her old fan base to go fuck themselves. So, she’s over… Time to take up DWTS or high end escort service for MILF seeking clients if she didn’t save enough to retire now.

  3. 🌈 When your star is about to burn out, do what everyone else does 🌈

    🌈 Go GAY! Be a gay advocate, and those dummies will buy tickets to your concerts forever, or whatever else you’re selling.

    Everyone jumps ship when they’ve poked holes in their own. Look at the democrat Gov. of DEEP RED West Virginia who voted for Trump by +48%. He’s now a Republican. He ain’t be no dummeh!

  4. I wrote a long time ago she was showing a hard inner core which reflected poorly on herself. She no longer seemed as pretty or sexy. Her Max Headroom hair cut and arrogance oozed from her persona. She changed after she left Fox and Friends in the morning and got her own ego swelling show.

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