Flood survivor blows a hole straight through Women’s March divisive call to help ‘communities of color’ – IOTW Report

Flood survivor blows a hole straight through Women’s March divisive call to help ‘communities of color’

BPR: Whoever runs the Women’s March Twitter account just keeps stepping in it.

It’s one thing to encourage donations for Hurricane Harvey victims, but it’s quite another to divide victims by race or ethnic group, seeming to prefer some over others.

And by ‘others,’ they mean white people.

“Here’s a list of organizations working to keep immigrant, Black, Latinx, & other communities safe after Hurricane Harvey,” Women’s March tweeted. They go on to tell folks how they can donate aid to “communities of color.”

The Women’s March tweet flies in the face of what Americans have witnessed in Houston – neighbors helping neighbors, all of the human race.

Meanwhile, hurricane survivor Sarah Reynolds proved just that when she told Fox News about her experience.  “The community came together, no race, not color, no prejudices… just willing to help,” she said.  more here

14 Comments on Flood survivor blows a hole straight through Women’s March divisive call to help ‘communities of color’

  1. Looking at the pictures from the shelters it looks like most of the aid already is going to “people of color” It would be interesting to see what percentage of donations reaches the people from the organizations listed as opposed to the american red cross and salvation army.

  2. Let’s see 1) how much money “people of color” donate (they do check off which ethnic or victim group they belong to, right?) and 2) how much of the donated money makes it out of the fund raising members pockets to the people in need.

    Black Lives Matter caucasian scam artist Shaun King (haven’t heard much from him lately) pocketed hundreds of thousands raising money for the Haitian earthquake relief among other frauds.

    Never let a good scam opportunity go to waste.

  3. This is the Linda Sarsour scam, and NONE of the donated money goes to disaster relief, only to community organizing. This creature needs to have all the money bags from donations chained to her ankles and then she can wade through the deepest flooding. If she makes it out alive, she can keep it for her “charity”.

    And make sure there are gators in the water with her.

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