WaPo Admits Failures of ‘ObamaLunch’, But Makes No Mention Of Obama – IOTW Report

WaPo Admits Failures of ‘ObamaLunch’, But Makes No Mention Of Obama

NB: It turns out parents aren’t the only people who struggle to get kids to eat their veggies.

A multi-million dollar government effort to make school children eat healthier hasn’t worked, according to The Washington Post. But The Post left out one important detail: the Obama administration and First Lady Michelle Obama promoted the program. It was even part of her “Let’s Move!” program.

“The Department of Agriculture has invested seven years and several million dollars in a popular program that claims it gets students to eat significantly more fruits and vegetables,” The Post reported Aug. 24. “But as a recent critique of the research behind the program reveals, ‘significantly more’ often means an amount as small as a single bite of an apple.”

During the Obama presidency, the media repeatedly celebrated the Obamas’ lunch regulations, claiming they’d make school lunches “better” than what even parents provided. At the same time, students shared photos mocking their small, mysterious portions with the hashtag #ThanksMichelleObama.

The Post reported that the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement developers at Cornell University manipulated data to make the program appear successful. For example, they described a single bite of an apple as a “significant” increase in healthy food consumption. They also counted how many vegetables students put on their plate in a lunch line, instead of how many students actually ate.  read more

7 Comments on WaPo Admits Failures of ‘ObamaLunch’, But Makes No Mention Of Obama

  1. It’s not just the ridiculous causes that First Ladies seem obligated to champion during the years since Jackie Kennedy redecorated the White House, it’s the huge staffs that have been expanding with every new administration. Mooch had a bigger staff than FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower did during the Great Depression, the Second World War and the Korean War. Why doesn’t Congress defund this nonsense?

  2. ” Cornell University manipulated data”. No, say it isn’t so! An obama program that ‘manipulated data’? I can’t believe it!!

    Actually, I can’t envision anything associated with the names, obama, clinton, Moore, or gore, NOT manipulating data. ‘Fake, fake, fake and fake’, to quote Elaine on Seinfeld.

  3. Michelle Obama had the reverse Midas touch with school lunches, turning many of them to crap. Where it was documented that kids were putting more vegetables on their plates also documented more vegetables going into the trash. Michelle knows nothing of good nutrition and certainly didn’t practice what she preached.

  4. We were able to leave campus and eat out.

    Lunch was great in my High School!

    When I did eat in, I found the squash mush absolutely delicious. I never found squash to taste so good ever again.

    I want that 1973 Dallas High School squash recipe!

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