Conservative, Liberal Groups Assist Flood Victims – IOTW Report

Conservative, Liberal Groups Assist Flood Victims

HOUSTON, Texas (World News Bureau) – Politics are taking a back seat in the wake of one of the nation’s largest natural disasters, as conservative and liberal groups come forward with aid for Texas flood victims.

Here are the top ten groups offering assistance:

Conservative Groups

National Rifle Association: Water, food, clothing, personal hygiene supplies

Focus On The Family: Water, food, clothing, Bibles, personal hygiene supplies

Southern Baptist Convention: Water, food, clothing, bedding

National Council of Churches: Water, food, clothing, Bibles

American Family Association: Water, food, clothing, personal hygiene supplies

Liberal Groups…. MORE

13 Comments on Conservative, Liberal Groups Assist Flood Victims

  1. The Lefties are “contributing” all the free stuff they manage to snag at events and whilst traveling. You know, airline socks, plastic marketing bags, disposable ear plugs, pencils/pens, hotel note pads, hotel soap, shampoo and towels….bathrobes, plastic shower caps…shoe shine kits…needle/thread/button kits…and all the picked-over leftovers from their restaurant take home boxes.

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