Antifa Classified as Domestic Terrorists by Obama’s DHS in 2016 – IOTW Report

Antifa Classified as Domestic Terrorists by Obama’s DHS in 2016

Newsmax: The Department of Homeland Security in 2016 formally classified the actions of the anarchist group Antifa as “domestic terrorist violence,” Politico reported.

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials of Antifa’s increasingly dangerous tactics — including attacks on the police — since early 2016 but were widely ignored long before Charlottesville and while Barack Obama was still president, Politico reported.

Further, DHS and the FBI were worried that Antifa might resort to terrorist bombings at one or both of the political conventions last summer, Politico reported.

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h/t TammyBruce

29 Comments on Antifa Classified as Domestic Terrorists by Obama’s DHS in 2016

  1. OK, Feds, get off your dead asses and do something about these bastards. Then again, maybe WE need to declare “Open Season” on these pucks. “Cull the herd”, so to speak.

  2. Here’s what ought to happen,
    Throw a rally for the… Sons of Liberty, or some such. Then replace the patriot rally goers with Army Special forces, and MP’s
    Then as Antifa are starting their crap, bring in trucks with fences mounted on the bumpers to keep them from escaping, and herd them to a center, Then the rally goers start breaking heads in a prompt and orderly military fashion.
    When Antifa runs, they are boxed and have to beg to be arrested to get them away from those horrible men.

  3. The reason they aren’t getting arrested in large numbers and allowed to prey on permitted rallies is because most (all?) of these events take place where? In the cities. Cities = Progressives. I’d like to see them try this in a backwater area. They wouldn’t, they’d stick out like those creatures at the Calypso Bar.

  4. You just know the FBI and local LEO know who the antifa players are. I want to know just how far the feds think they can play this out. Where in the hell is Chris Wray?! He’s supposed to take to the podium at some point and tell us what he’s working on!

  5. We should just hug them all. The need hugging. Hug a herd of them and the rest will shit themselves and drop their rifles. Every commie has a plan until the hugging starts.

    Hug in this case is a euphemism.

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