How is This a Thing??? – IOTW Report

How is This a Thing???

Self-hatred, antifa, Euro-Dhimmis, BLM, Snowflakes and Kathy Griffin.

10 Comments on How is This a Thing???

  1. Diversity = spreading misery and despair among the masses in order to acquire control and manipulation of those same masses.

    Like sheep headed to a slaughter, with the sheep voting for which butcher knive to use.

  2. We are living in and surrounded by a massive brainwashing effort to eviscerate western culture. Many of those leading the effort are comfortable enough that they no longer hide it. People like Soros and others high government. If we don’t get a handle on this soon we’re doomed.

  3. Used to be people with extreme anti-government views were edgy and shocking. Now they’re just predictable and boring. I’d bet that Griffin is in a financial bind due to her past antics, and now is desperate to regain some momentum. Too late skank, nobody’s buying the horseshit.

  4. Refugees… yeah right! Refugees who take yearly “vacations” back to their homeland!
    There is a large effort to drag the West down to the lowest level of Suck.
    Destination Venezuela!
    I’ve never heard of Dave Cullen before, but he is right on the money!

  5. So to the idiots on MSNBC, Antifa should turn it down a notch only because their actions make Bannon smile? Not because shutting down free speech or assaulting innocent protesters who disagree with them is the antithesis of the American, not that. And this sudden “recognition ” by the media, Democrats and useful idiots like Paul Ryan to suddenly pull a 180 and focus and acknowledge progressive violence NOW is orchestrated and purposeful. The media aren’t concerned by the left’s destruction, but they see it is hurting the larger progressive cause and are now willing to shame the terrorists on the left. Gotta keep the shock troops in line, now. You see, progressives, Marxists, etc work better when they are plying their poison under the radar, with the drip drip victories of a court case here, an election there, and a control of K-12, universities, the press,public bureacracies, over the course of a generation or two. So the media are asking Antifa to lower their skirts because America is disgusted at what they are seeing.

  6. Who gave the white man his privilege?
    Nobody, they took it.
    Nope, I aint apologizing, it shows weakness.
    If we were really as bad as you say, anybody we couldn’t see nekid in a dark room, would be in chains.

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