Gavin Explains Why Chelsea Handler is just another Lonely Spinster Trollop – IOTW Report

Gavin Explains Why Chelsea Handler is just another Lonely Spinster Trollop

“The Sh!t Chests”

*Spicy language*

18 Comments on Gavin Explains Why Chelsea Handler is just another Lonely Spinster Trollop

  1. A woman with a chip on her shoulder isn’t exactly an irresistible force of magnetism. Men can easily sense the hostility just under the surface. She’s an example of a woman to be avoided like a plague.

  2. organgrinder September 2, 2017 at 5:58 am

    A woman with a chip on her shoulder isn’t exactly an irresistible force of magnetism. Men can easily sense the hostility just under the surface. She’s an example of a woman to be avoided like a plague.

    Ha! That’s for sure! Some have had so much anger/hate for so long it just comes out as an “of course what I’m saying is true. Doesn’t everyone agree with me?”

    I was in a pet store years ago waiting on the clerk to retrieve something for me from the back. There was a woman there next to me, about my age, waiting her turn. She wasn’t ugly and far from a model. Just my type – physically speaking.

    She pointed to a How-to book on the counter that had “for dummies” in the title.

    She started a conversation with this: “Oh look! A book made for men!”

    I grinned and looked at her. ‘So you have some man-hate going on there, huh?’

    She gave me the “Oops, I’m busted” sheepish grin and admitted it. “Yeah, a little bit. A little bit.”

    I’m sure she has wondered what was wrong with men that they don’t like her so much. The first thought that popped into my head: You just disqualified yourself as GF material. Any man that signs on for that needs that lesson still. Maybe that’s her purpose in life.

  3. People who are not satisfied with their life generally wind up in these groups:
    A) Depressed sulkers and sympathy-seekers who burry themselves by over-eating, drinking, drug, sex, etc
    B) Those who try to justify their life-style by knocking success and drag everyone else down to their level of Suck.
    C) Social Justice Warriors (see B)

  4. Yeah, years ago she was the envy of many women when she was “engaged” to the wealthy owner of the E channel. She was seen out in the nightlife, getting her picture in the media, glamming it up with him at the finest establishments.
    Turns out he came to his senses dealing with this bitter alcoholic shrew. He saw the future and dropped her like a hot rock.
    Now, to save face, she pretends that she never really wanted that in the first place. Riiight.
    She then starts this campaign of airing her problems on her “comedy” show.
    She lacks the simple wisdom passed down from good guys like my dad.
    He told me, on the subject of airing your problems to basically anyone who’ll listen-
    “Son, you’ll find it all comes down to percentages with people. There’ll be 10% that don’t give a shit and 90% who’ll be glad it happened to you.”

  5. Guess I will have to get a subscription to People mag to know who these bints are. (JK)
    In this day and age I wonder about the women who get abortions. Are they too busy to care about birth control, are they too lazy, are they too ignorant? If women were cogent about their sexual escapades, PP would be out of business.
    I fathered two, Dr. Torres took care of that future responsibility, traded in the family wagon for a sports model, straight pipes.
    Slightly off subject, Mr. Fink started it.

  6. Mrs. Lazlo, (who has no illusions about life) has a three word saying when opining about people like her: “Rationalization, and Justification”
    Just like on those survival shows. They talk themselves into quitting.
    You can make anything OK if you couch it in verbally pleasing syllables.

  7. Take a good look at most ultra liberal women and you will see years of man-hate and the toll of supporting vile causes (e.g. murder by abortion, defending sexual perversions, angst over supposed slights (no evidence) for being a woman, and pretending the false religion of peace is not violent).

    They look ugly on the outside and their eyes betray their inner sadness and bitter anger.

  8. “Son, you’ll find it all comes down to percentages with people. There’ll be 10% that don’t give a shit and 90% who’ll be glad it happened to you.”

    I like that. I’ll be quoting your Dad from time to time now. 🙂

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