FBI, DHS eye Antifa – IOTW Report

FBI, DHS eye Antifa

DC: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned violent attacks by the radical group antifa have increased, and more assaults could be on the way.

The DHS and the FBI have concluded that far-left “anarchist extremist” groups were mainly responsible for inciting violence at a number of public rallies, under the cause of opposing fascism, according to a Friday Politico report.

“It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” a senior law enforcement official told Politico. “These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the sh!t out of people. They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”  more here

30 Comments on FBI, DHS eye Antifa

  1. Well, sure! Now that the dems are running scared of the monster THEY created, our politicized FBI can do their job without fear of criticism from the dems. They are about a year late to the game.

  2. I see two elements of this disruptive plague:
    Normal everyday amateur sheeple, expendable pawns.
    And a hardcore organized component, directed and funded by relatively organized professional anarchists.
    Somebody is pulling the strings.

    Follow the money to its source. If 4Chan can do it why not the FBI? It’s their job, right?
    And why are local LEO assets ordered to stand down?

    Squash the source.
    Otherwise, USA will look like Venezuela.

    Thanks, barry.

  3. I’m not sure what a neo nazi is. (Of course anybody to the right of these anarchist scumbags is portrayed as a nazi- i.e. Trump is Hitler.)
    But I suspect there are damn few of them compared to antifa etc. And I doubt they are as well organized or funded. Though it seems quite possible they are funded by the same source as the anarchists as a diversionary tactic.

  4. Obama’s DHS classified Antifa as Domestic Terrorists in 2016.

    How could the FBI conclude that the far-left “anarchist extremist” groups were mainly responsible for inciting violence with out knowing their intent?
    Is the FBI certain Antifa wasn’t just careless?

  5. “Still not certain what side LEO sides with”

    Did you see this. This is from the last Berkeley riot. This guy finds a BUNCH of LEO hanging out in a parking lot while conservatives are getting their asses beat. What he fails to drive home is that these are California HiWay Patrol, not local Berkeley cops. What the hell?


  6. @Freudulent: “And I doubt they are as well organized or funded.”

    They’re organized. They wear uniforms and travel between states to practice their violence. And they have command and control- radios, with ‘shot callers’ and dedicated security for them. There is some evidence of frequency jamming on their part against LEO’s, too. They’re international and funded by insidious international groups and individuals, which includes soros.
    The enemy is no longer ‘at the door’, they are in the house.
    Prosecute them for sedition and treason.

  7. WHEN Sanctuary cities, Hillary, Obama, Rice, Rahm, Sunstein, Holder, Kagan, Jarrett, Axelrod, Gates, Salazar, Napolitano, Brenner, Panetta, Podesta, Brennan and other elitests are above the law why would their left wing fascist thugs be worried?

  8. @cato: “…sunstein…”
    married to samantha power.
    “There is no liberty without dependency.~ Cass Sunstein

    “… [I]n April 2005, Sunstein opened up a conference at Yale Law School entitled, “The Constitution in 2020,” which sought to change the nature and interpretation of the Constitution by that year. That event was sponsored by Soros’ Open Society Institute as well as by the Center for American Progress, which is led by John Podesta, who served as co-chair of Obama’s presidential transition team. Podesta’s Center is said to be highly influential in helping to craft White House policy.”
    Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2011/04/282105/#gLB1BJZ6UAcm6vXY.99
    More swamp scum.

  9. @Freudulent- You’re right. I see you were saying fascistantis (just my preference for their name) aren’t as well funded as nazis and such. I agree with you. Some of them are the same people too, I think. It just depends on which costume they wear for the day- some of them, on either side, are getting paid by the same people.
    Happy Labor Day!

  10. grnberet- M2 might be overkill (not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
    M1919 should suffice. Or Street Sweepers or AA 12s.
    Hell, a squad of guys with Trench Guns could really clean up!

  11. Remember the objective, to paraphrase Patton. It’s not our duty to die for our cause, it’s our duty to cause them to die for theirs. Or something like that. We need to figure out how to survive, thrive, and rid our communities of these bastards! It’s going to be tough.

  12. “One guy with a .308”? Hell, I want a BUNCH of guys (and gals) with .308s, 7.62s, 12 gauges with Royal Buck #4 (man stoppers) and anything else ya got to STOP them . . . . permanently!

  13. Molotov cocktails are incendiary devices and thus non-specific and indiscriminate and arson is a criminal behavior that allows a justifiable lethal force response.

    Try that on my street and my .308 is going to be used.

    Why are the LEOs not sniping these scum? It is past time to turn firehoses on them and shoot the inciters and leaders.

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