Charity comedy show shut down by leftists – IOTW Report

Charity comedy show shut down by leftists


A comedy show scheduled for last Saturday night was shut down by alt-left activists over fears that dangerous speech might be espoused inside the privately-owned club where it was to be held.

Comedian Danny Polishchuk organized the event, called the Free Speech Comedy Show, at Toronto’s Comedy Bar.

“Saying this show is ‘free speech’ was equated by some people to mean this was a Nazi rally. The people who shut this show down, in their minds, they think they are defeating Nazis, which is insane,” Polishchuk, who is Jewish, told City News.

Polishchuk organized the show in response to a recent free speech event at Ryerson University scheduled for August 22 and featuring Jordan Peterson and Gad Saad which was shut down by the alt-left, he told MILO News.

“Antifa shut it down, so I decided to do a pro-free speech, anti-fascism comedy show as a response.”

It didn’t go so well once the show was announced. MORE

8 Comments on Charity comedy show shut down by leftists

  1. Gutless public officials buckling again. If they lack the balls to confront these scum then they should clear their shivering asses out of the way. This has gotten way out of control and these punks need a good ole Alabama ass kicking.

  2. Luckily Obama & DHS designated the alt-left groups as domestic terrorists in 2016 and the FBI is right on top of the threats, violence and intimidation.

    At this rate the FBI and local law enforcement will act by 2020.

  3. If someone could successfully expose the “alt Left” (or antifa or whatever they are, collectively), through a hard-hitting and unique graphic or meme or ???, as murderers of natural rights, I believe it would be like a bucket of water on those last burning embers or a wild fire. The arsenal of words has proven ineffective. Reasoning and debate are ineffective. This is an emotional battle and needs an emotional response. It needs fire big enough to fight the fires of fascism and the alt-Left’s petty, but growing, tyranny. It needs to be speak to the inarticulate hearts of people who haven’t grasped the gravity of what the alt-Left hopes to achieve.

    I’m not clever enough to create such a response, but I know it is what’s needed. It can’t be so clever that the message or art, itself, becomes the subject (I’m thinking of the artist who recently made the Google/Apple comparison). No, it has to be simple, like product branding. Simple, like Smoky the Bear or Coke-a-Cola’s “It’s the Real Thing.”

  4. Well, if you are unwilling to take the fight to them, you are going to lose the fight every time.

    Set a trap for them, pepper spray them, hand-cuff them, take off their masks, and demand prosecution.

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