NJ school removes Lincoln art piece ‘to avoid potentially offending anyone’ – IOTW Report

NJ school removes Lincoln art piece ‘to avoid potentially offending anyone’

American Mirror: The leaders of New Jersey’s Camden County High School didn’t get any complaints about a student art piece featuring President Abraham Lincoln, but that didn’t stop the Social Justice Warriors from tearing it down, anyway.

A piece of art created collaboratively between students at two schools was removed by administrators because it also included the likeness of Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

The Daily Advance reports:

“In light of the recent controversy in Charlottesville and throughout the country, we have recently removed the painting from the wall outside the media center,” said Camden County High School Principal Billie Berry. …

Berry said the school had not received any complaints about the picture being displayed on the wall.

“While we have received no concerns or complaints about the artwork, we felt that it was best to be proactive and remove the painting to avoid potentially offending anyone,” Berry claimed.  MORE

18 Comments on NJ school removes Lincoln art piece ‘to avoid potentially offending anyone’

  1. “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.
    The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.
    The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.
    Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as a heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.”
    Abraham Lincoln

  2. @Jethro – Your two Abe quotations show that he was indeed two-faced, and the one he wasn’t showing was even uglier than the one he was. As president, he was unique in his fight against self-determination, and among the worst of them at despotism. His unconstitutional acts included suspension of habeas corpus, the jailing of legislators, and the censorship and shutting down of the press that criticized him.

  3. If the people of Camden have a problem with this then join the damn school board and get rid of the teachers and/or administrators that run the schools. I’m not sure that the principal is a SJW as much as he is a coward who is willing to deface his school rather then face some public demonstration. I wonder what the parents would say if they had been given a choice. To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if a slim majority agreed with him. Sad.

  4. Reminds me of an old Married with Children episode. Al wants to watch football on FOX, Marcy tells him the network stopped broadcasting it because some lady from Michigan didn’t like it.

  5. They’re never worried a CONSERVATIVE is ever offended are they?

    1. It’s always a cautionary tale of some half-cocked liberal that no one ever can identify.

    2. There IS NO ONE who is offended. Well, the person implementing the policy is, and using some imaginary person as the excuse to do so.

  6. What about the people who were offended by the “Piss Christ,” and “Cow dung Blessed Virgin” art?
    Our schools are ruined by the Billie Berry’s of the country. Way too many of them.

  7. Abe Lincoln…after a two week drunk

    “I freed the who?”

    Most tasteless question ever asked

    “Besides that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the show?”

    “Slavery is a great wrong, and should be abolished…but these People

    are going to become a nuisance ”

    Abe Lincoln (according to George MacDonald Fraser)

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