Still finding Katrina waste and fraud, watchdogs keep eye on Congress’s spending for Harvey – IOTW Report

Still finding Katrina waste and fraud, watchdogs keep eye on Congress’s spending for Harvey


Congress is preparing to open the federal checkbook for Hurricane Harvey, but budget watchdogs say lawmakers should take a lesson from Hurricane Katrina, after taxpayers doled out $100 billion — and investigators are still finding massive fraud and waste 12 years later.

One inspector general this summer sounded an alarm over some $2 billion that New Orleans, the epicenter of Katrina damage, had asked the federal government to pony up to repair its sewers and streets. Auditors said the city’s infrastructure was a disaster even before Katrina and that it appeared the city was trying to take the feds for a ride.

That was the worst, but by no means the only instance of waste or fraud stemming from the 2005 storm. Auditors rooted out waste everywhere, regularly releasing reports identifying bogus projects that totaled hundreds of millions of dollars.  more here

10 Comments on Still finding Katrina waste and fraud, watchdogs keep eye on Congress’s spending for Harvey

  1. Did anyone else notice the proximity of Sheila Jackson-Lee to the gaggle of locals there to welcome the President in Louisiana yesterday? There she was, all smiles and cow-patterned clothes! Looked like POTUS Trump was trying to ignore her without being obvious.

    “Relief money?! Did someone say money?!” Yup, you’ll always find the grifters wherever there are large sums of cash being handed out.

  2. We’re as corrupt as Mexico, France, Germany, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Chad, Italy, and (maybe) Russia – not quite as corrupt as Venezuela – yet.

    Every single Federal program – EVERY SINGLE ONE – is a license for someone to steal. Maybe it’s unavoidable – considering the vicissitudes of human nature – maybe it’s expected – in order to grease the wheels – I don’t really know, but I do know that it makes me want to puke. Enriching oneself off the sufferings of others is so … so … so lawyer-ish. It really is repugnant to humans.

    It can be curtailed – probably not stopped – by hanging the perpetrators and their enablers – in public – naked (see Cotton Mather – no relation to Beaver).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What good do the ‘Inspector Generals’ reports do, to STOP the madness? What happens to their ‘reports’? I hear so little, if anything to mitigate the results of fraud, abuse, mis-expenditures, misappropriation of funds, and unaccountability of funds MISSING! How can millions or even billions of dollars DISAPPEAR!?

    I still wonder where the report of Hillary’s State Department’s MISSING $200 million, is now.

    All the taxpayer funds paid for congressional ‘investigations’, inquiries, ‘inspector generals’, & etc., are just going right back into the swamp of payoffs, money laundering, bribes, and blackmail payments, or just end up MISSING!

    D.C. Is not a swamp, it’s an ever growing, overflowing cesspool blob, spreading filth, corruption, and government by the government.

  4. “We don’t want to point fingers and lay blame – we just want to make sure this never happens again.”

    Same old fucking bullshit every fucking time.
    We never learn.
    We accept the same stupid lies from the same stupid liars.

    THEY will continue until WE get serious.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I’ve only experienced one major disaster in my lifetime (two if you count the Obama Presidency). When the Federal Government shows up with a big bag of money, people who are usually law-abiding and honest, become corrupted. Happens every time.

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