Is Chelsea Clinton Starved For Attention Or Just Plain Stupid? – IOTW Report

Is Chelsea Clinton Starved For Attention Or Just Plain Stupid?

The Lid:

Perhaps she does it just to get attention and in a way, I feel bad for her, after all her mother cares about little more than becoming president, and her father wants to sleep with almost every pretty woman within arm’s reach. But on the other hand, one would think by now, a supposedly bright woman like Chelsea Clinton would realize that every time she tweets out something stupid, she is going to be attacked by much of the twitter world. Perhaps she isn’t bright, maybe her intellegence is just another fake story by the mainstream media.

Her latest dumb tweet criticized President Trump’s Saturday trip to Texas

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39 Comments on Is Chelsea Clinton Starved For Attention Or Just Plain Stupid?

  1. If constipation was a person, it would be Chelsea. And yet… it’s still all O.K. the minute I remember her mother will never be President, and I had something to do with that.
    Tweet away fuglet.

  2. Irony Curtain:
    “Her father is a …”
    My searching has only brought up Web Hubbell being convicted and imprisoned on fraud charges, not rape.

    Wait, we are talking about biological instead of just legal fatherhood, right?

  3. Chelsea is operating in a world where she is hired to be a reporter for a major TV outlet right out of college and attributes that to her talent. When it becomes painfully clear to all she has no talent she shift to giving speeches for hundreds of thousands of dollars- the topic: Diarrhea, the plague it is in the 3rd world and how to fix it. But she thinks she raises so much money because her 45 minute infomercial is really that good.

    Chelsea’s self delusion and or utter lack of self awareness are matched only be the reports of Hitler in the last days while in the bunker giving orders to Army groups that only existed on the map or her mother’s new book trying to explain to her donors why it was not her fault that she lost.

  4. It’s only a question if you insist that you, yourself, believe that the sole, legal, offspring of the Once and Future Xings, must xerself, have beaten all those, so, so many peasants in fair contests, again, and again, and again, so, so many peasants, in so, so many contests, to wave titles of nobility over their so, so many heads.

    If the titles are for sale, and once sold, we’ll just print another – save for being proof that the Once and Future Xings couldn’t master the erudite magic of the condom, that one’s all yours, baby – then lining up the facts, leading to a conclusion, seems rather simple. Well simple, if you don’t have to prove you deserve those titles someone bought you, that is.

  5. Pedestals leaked emails quoted him as saying that Chelsea was too stupid to be given a position of authority in mommy’s campaign, and he’s proven to be correct, because every time she opens her mouth something stupid comes out. And Bill doesn’t want to sleep with every pretty woman within reach, every woman who has admitted being boinked by him rates no higher than a 4.

    Plus, who keeps letting Chelsea run around without a leash and license?

  6. Chelsea was privileged enough and educated enough at a young age to recognize her parents were driven, greedy, self absorbed, scumbags that didnt give a shit about her anything more than using her as a political prop. It must have sucked for her to know that despite all of the trappings she enjoyed that nobody loved her.

    She also married one of the ugliest half-men you could imagine. What does that tell you about her self worth and confidence… Then she sees the Trump family and asks herself “Why couldnt I have that kind of family?” and the anger and self hate and a “purposeless driven life” eats her up. Good for her, she deserves the misery.

  7. Dumber than a lug nut. Every teacher exposed to her, male and female, wanted to have her parent’s baby. Sucking up to them by giving their daughter greatly inflated grades has caught up with her. She probably could not do better than a bus load of 16 year old black drop outs applying for a job at McDonald’s. She would have been better off being raised by her real dad.

  8. Her Education: Stanford University (BA), University College, Oxford, (MPhil, DPhil), Columbia University (MPH), New York University

    A BA, 2 Masters, and a Doctorate…..and still a horse-toothed jackass.

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