Are labor unions still necessary? – IOTW Report

Are labor unions still necessary?

AT: Labor Day 2017 and the status of the American worker has never been more uncertain. Some, like Harvard’s Lawrence Summers believe the answer is more unionization.

Financial Times:

Economists do not have complete answers. In part there are inevitable fluctuations. Profits have declined in recent years. The wages that are reflected by the BLS are earned in the US, whereas a little less than half of profits are earned abroad and have become more valuable as the dollar has declined. In part, wages have not risen more because a strengthening labour market has drawn more people into the workforce.

But I suspect the most important factor explaining what is happening is that the bargaining power of employers has increased and that of workers has decreased. Bargaining power depends on alternative options. Technology has given employers more scope for replacing Americans with foreign workers, or with technology, or by drawing on the gig economy. So their leverage to hold down wages has increased.

This is true. But Summers and other liberal economists can only see the problems, not the opportunities. First, the flow of foriegn workers can be better controlled with immigration reform. Secondly, the technology – AI and other robots – needs someone to build it and maintain it. The day is fast approaching when traditional factory work will be a thing of the past and a new work force will emerge – better trained, and perhaps better paid than their predecessors.

Unions would rather resist the new technology than exploit it to better the position of workers.  MORE

13 Comments on Are labor unions still necessary?

  1. If Unions are disallowed, who will carry the socialist banner?

    Where will democrat candidates find thugs to beat and intimidate the opposition protesters who are against socialism?

    Where will Trumpka find a $500,000 replacement job for sitting on his backside?

    What will happen when the Mob no longer has access to the Union Funds to build more casinos?

    The families of no work, discipline problem sluggards will suffer, where will the shitbirds of the Unions be employed if they don’t have the knowledge, experience and motivation to work.

    Unions would be missed by the minority of this country, particularly in the Government sector where sluggards are rewarded and promoted.

  2. In part, wages have not risen more because a strengthening labour market has drawn more people into the workforce.
    Not true in the US. Labor/workforce participation is still lower than before the Obama Recession.

  3. I can see a need for skilled trade unions that have to maintain a level of training standards and apprenticeship program for industries that have a direct impact on the health and welfare of the American people…trades like Electrician, Sheetmetal Workers, and so on. I don’t see ANY need what so ever for unions for service workers like people who make beds in hotels and similar none skilled jobs.

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