‘George Orwell Would Have Supported Antifa’ – IOTW Report

‘George Orwell Would Have Supported Antifa’

Just when you thought the left couldn’t get any more insane

13 Comments on ‘George Orwell Would Have Supported Antifa’

  1. I fear that Paul Joseph Watson has been sucked into the trap of trying to debate the Left on a logical basis.

    Always a mistake. Save your breath, Paul. Stockpile ammo, instead.

  2. TO VietVet

    He’s not doing it so much for the AntiFa idiots
    as for those more gullible on the Left who might listen to AntiFa.

    Think of it as aerobic exercise.

  3. Eric Blair went to Spain to fight fascism, and learned that the communists were just as bad as the fascists. That’s where George Orwell’s knowledge of the dangers of totalitarianism were formed. He witnessed things in Spain that convinced him that there was little difference between the fascist and the communists in the manner that they treated anyone who didn’t agree with them. Orwell was outspoken in his opposition to Stalin before all of his monstrous crimes were exposed, and that took real courage in post war England. Paul Joseph Watson is right about how Orwell would have viewed Antifa. He’s also the most entertaining man on the right side of things.

  4. Paul’s missing an important point. Orwell actually was similar to an antifa hyper-activist when he went to Spain to fight the fascists. That’s when he got a close up look at the Marxist side and discovered they were just as rat-bastardly shit-headed as the supporters of Franco

    At which point, he became anti-communist as well. I have to laugh at the douche-baggery of “Read a fuck*ng book.” No, shitlib, you read a book (ie, Animal Farm) and tell me who that book is aimed at. Tell me who Napoleon is supposed to represent. It’s so obvious I knew the allusion as a ten year old

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