Socialism stole my paycheck – IOTW Report

Socialism stole my paycheck

Marxists who claim to be helping, please don’t. Respect my right to work, my right to get paid for my labor as defined by my employment contract, and my right to ignore your stupid communist holiday and earn an honest living.  – READ MORE

7 Comments on Socialism stole my paycheck

  1. I joked with Van Der Luen today that Labor Day is the second only to Easter as the high holy day of my year. I told him I couldn’t talk long because I still had three or four items on my ‘to do’ list before I could call it a day. Funny, since there was a post here (today?) about how Americans work harder than anyone. lol Obviously, I don’t think of Workers of the World on Labor Day. I would if they would converge on me with tools and help.

    Interestingly, I also watched the debate between the CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, and John Roehmer (said to be the #1 Marxist/Socialist teacher from Yale) on “Capitalism vs Socialism: Free to Choose or Free to Lose?”. I think you’ll find it compelling:

  2. I worked some yesterday because customers asked me to. So I made money. Most likely more than any hourly guy. But that wasn’t the reason. I was simply taking care of their needs and they were grateful.

    I had a 1/2 hour to kill between stops and grabbed some tea at a 7-11. An elderly man was next to me at the counter leaning on it with both hands like he had a hard time standing.

    He started a conversation about working on a holiday and I said I’d be at home taking it easy, but fire ants getting in one’s house isn’t something that can really wait, as far as my customers go. (Taking it easy = doing paperwork. There is no real day off for me)

    It turned into a 20 minute conversation about his current bedbug problem and how liberals suck & are the most racist people around.

    When I moved on, he had two of my business cards along with some simple instructions to help with his bug problem he already paid an inexperienced pest guy for and I had a new customer and friend.

    God is so good to me.

  3. Let’s face it, thanks to what our government has done and become since FDR, we only have one choice to fight the socialist/communist theft of our labor. Either you risk large penalties by defying “the Law” or we band together and reject outright all this criminal “redistribution”.
    That will necessarily mean a civil war.
    Or a successful secession, which won’t be allowed without an even larger war.

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