School officials did not protect gifted daughter from black student abuse – IOTW Report

School officials did not protect gifted daughter from black student abuse

CollegeFix: The parents of an academically stellar African-American student are suing a South Carolina school district alleging school officials did not prevent continued verbal and physical abuse of their daughter from … other black students.

Students at Richland School District One’s Hand Middle School “called (the girl) racial slurs like ‘Oreo,’ ‘white girl,’ ‘wannabe white girl’ … and generally maligned her for ‘acting white,’” the lawsuit says, according to The State.

Hand’s student body is approximately 50% black, but the girl was just one of a few African-American students in her advanced courses.

“During those years, she also was “repeatedly pushed, shoved and tripped in hallways and other locations around Hand Middle School … (and) suffered several notable physical assaults,” the lawsuit continues. read more

26 Comments on School officials did not protect gifted daughter from black student abuse

  1. They can’t stand someone with some self respect and ambition. I feel for the kid. The school officials are terrified to discipline the feral little animals and allow them to run wild. It’s also common for white kids bused into black schools to be abused without punishment. Sickening how things have gotten.

  2. The other crabs in the crab pot don’t like her climbing out.

    What? The school has videos of these incidents and they still didn’t do anything about it?

    Parents should start a Go-Fund-Me page for private school tuition.

  3. Unionize the teachers and they become no better that UAW auto workers.

    Back in the 80s and 90s friends who worked at GM and Chrysler told described the plant parking lot as a bazaar for anything/everything illegal: drugs, prostitution, fraudulent disability doctors… .. it more than explained the quality of the cars they produced.

  4. If you discipline them, you get sued, if you don’t discipline them, you get sued.
    Perfect Catch-22 scenario.
    I thought with college educations, teachers were smart?(JK)
    Feel good administration strikes again.

  5. Aren’t public schools wonderful? That sound you hear is our tax dollars being flushed down the toilet.

    This ‘acting white’ BS has been around for as long as I can remember (and I’ve been around for a long time). I never could understand how bettering oneself by becoming more educated (smarter!) would be looked down upon by anyone. Truly amazing.

  6. @Al, the sarcasm is duly noted.
    As a parent who had to deal with abusive black students, ignorant black parents and protective black administrators, whoops, no more ‘white privilege’.
    Begged her to not go to my alma mater, she wanted to go to school with “normal kids”, meaning not private school kids.
    I tried to tell her they weren’t normal, yep, she called me racist: “They are just like us Dad!”
    Changed her mind when she got hit with a desk.

  7. The students who hit her, tripped her, caused two chipped teeth should have been charged already, incident by incident. If not, why not?

    The school board and all school staff are probably afraid to discipline the “teens” because they will become the new targets of violence.

    The family may not be safe either.

    Is this one of the stupid schools that have suspended discipline in order to protect black “teens” from consequences?


    The black racial groups are so powerful, that discipline is “racism.”

    There is nothing that can be done. They will not abide by rules, morals, PROOF, or any other logical reasoning. The single mothers look at is as, “Am I angry or am I not angry, and the school need to do actions that make me not angry.”

    Bail out. That’s what smarter white people do.

  9. Christ, ghetto blacks are the worst. I used to see this kind of shit in elementary school and junior high school. A smart black kid took immense amounts of shit not only from other black students but from asshole black teachers as well… “You being smart boy?!!!!”… The black community is a machine designed to make sure it never goes anywhere without other pushing it.

  10. I would ask the minimum outcome and consequences to the School District would be to pay for this student’s education at the best private school available of her choice (including transportation costs and other educational needs).

  11. 1) You can’t properly discipline the abusive students because you then cause disproportionate disciplining.
    2) Completely reinforces the notion that the problem with certain schools isn’t money (as we hear again and again and again); the problem is cultural.

  12. It just proves they’ve been culturally groomed to NOT get educated, NOT better themselves, and NOT get ahead.

    Got to keep themselves on the Democrat welfare plantation, or take responsibility for their lives…and the Democrat controlled schools teach them that the universe owes them a living, and responsibility is too hard.

    Democrat voters for life.

  13. The ghetto blacks revel in their own ignorance. They celebrate stupidity and the parents actively hold their own children down. It’s generational and it’s almost irreversible.

  14. Ok, the paremts have proven at the risk of their child’s safety they gave public “education” a try. The experience proved what they should have expected; a biased, neglectful school admin., jealous, ignorant, self-hating, underachieving black students and a statist, socialist public school system with policies that do not support parents.
    Now it’s time to get out of the public school system and enroll this kid in a private school that supports parents and students. This student deserves to finish her education in peace with peers at the same level. Enough is enough.

  15. It’s a Goddamn shame that decent black children have to put up with that crap. They receive no help whatsoever from so-called black leaders. Cummings, Waters, Jackson, Sharpton, Lee and their ilk just encourage black thuggery. What a phucking disgrace that more black people can’t see that. Even the talking heads like Don Lemon, Juan Williams, Soledad O’Brien, etc. wont’s touch the subject because they like what they have and don’t want to ruffle any feathers. A pox on all their houses. They are the real traitors to their race.

  16. I bet someone reads about this and feels the same as we do and gives her a big fat scholarship. Anyway I hope so, she deserves an atmosphere thats conducive to her efforts.

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