Rahm Emmanuel’s Dream Of A ‘Trump-Free Chicago’ Isn’t Going To Happen – IOTW Report

Rahm Emmanuel’s Dream Of A ‘Trump-Free Chicago’ Isn’t Going To Happen


Republican Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner rejected Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel’s call for a bill of rights for immigrants Wednesday, claiming that only Congress could pass such a law.

Emmanuel called for the bill of rights after declaring Chicago a “Trump-free zone” Tuesday in response to President Donald Trump’s announcement that he was ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Chicago Tribune reported. While Rauner denied Emmanuel’s request, the governor was not opposed to further protections for illegal immigrants. Instead, he called on Congress to take action.

“I do not believe this challenge for these children can be addressed on a state-by-state basis,” Rauner said. “I think that would not be correct, would not be the right solution. We need a comprehensive immigration reform. It should be done on the federal level for the entire nation, and it should be done by Congress.”

Rauner signed legislation to make Illinois a “sanctuary state” last week, preventing law enforcement from arresting illegal immigrants based solely on their immigration status. But after the Trump administration’s DACA repeal announcement, Emmanuel wasn’t satisfied.

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21 Comments on Rahm Emmanuel’s Dream Of A ‘Trump-Free Chicago’ Isn’t Going To Happen

  1. Seems to me Rauner and Emmanuel have bigger fish to fry and more immediate problems with their own murder rate in that state. I hope Sessions pulls ALL their fed financial support. The people of Chicago and Illinois aren’t feeling the pain enough, apparently.

  2. “I do not believe this challenge for these children can be addressed on a state-by-state basis,” Rauner said. “I think that would not be correct, would not be the right solution. We need a comprehensive immigration reform. It should be done on the federal level for the entire nation, and it should be done by Congress.”

    Ok, somebody help me out here. This Rauner dude signed onto the bill to give illegals sanctuary in Illinois, but claims that the DACA issue be handled at the “federal” level. Aren’t these 2 actions / statements orthogonal to each other?

    The entire illegal problem needs to solved at the federal level. States should not choose what they can ignore. There are no walls the state borders, and violations leave other compliant states at risk.

    What did I miss? Is this just another politician speaking from both sides of his mouth?

  3. @ Fritz, love it, orthogonal, the geometry teacher never mentioned the other definition.
    “States should not choose what they can ignore.”
    There was a war fought over this, I seem to remember it was a Republican President, eh?

  4. Unfortunately for all of us Illinoisians we no longer live in Abraham Lincoln’s fine state of Illinois. It is now widely known as Madiganistan after our ridiculously crooked speaker mike madigan.

    God help us.

  5. It no longer appears that politicians and or judges at any level understand or care what the parameters and limitations of their offices are! After they are elected or appointed they proceed rapidly to become little demi-gods (power corrupts) doing whatever they deem pertinent to their cause or agenda!

  6. Illinois would be better off to declare the state a “Rahm free state” and a “Madigan free state.” The work of these two jackasses is done here – let them fuck up another state.

  7. Children? Average age of a dreamer is 26.
    If they are children who need parental care they must go home. If they are older they are no longer children and they must go home as well.
    Problem solved.

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