UC Berkeley’s rating as an educational institution plummets – IOTW Report

UC Berkeley’s rating as an educational institution plummets


While students at Berkeley have earned a reputation for silencing opposing viewpoints with violence, the university itself seems to have faltered in its reputation as an educational institution.

Times Higher Education down-ranked UC Berkeley in its annual university ranking report for 2017-2018. The California-based university is known for its dominant liberal ideology, and, more recently, the administration quashing talks by controversial speakers accused of spreading wrongthink ideas. While it is not clear whether the violent riots aimed at quelling the expression of opposing viewpoints contributed to its decline, Berkeley fell eight ranks, from #10 last year, to #18, with a new score of 84.3 percent. That’s a solid “B” grade by Berkeley’s own grading scale which, by way of analog, were it a sanitation rating at a restaurant, would leave much to be desired.

By comparison, Berkeley’s #10 rank last year was an improvement from the previous year’s #13, which makes the effective rate of decline much more significant, showing an 11-point reversal from last year’s rating trend.

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11 Comments on UC Berkeley’s rating as an educational institution plummets

  1. The image of a cuban hospital with human feces smearing the floors, unwashed mental patients screaming and violent, suffocating speech codes to not upset the lunatics, worn coloring books with no space, decay, stench, rot. That is Bezerkely.

  2. @Brad – no, Telegraph Ave. runs into the campus, and is the ideological heart of Berkeley.
    When I was there they burned down the Air Force ROTC building. But the violence was nothing like this year’s.

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