‘Hungary Is Not an Immigrant Country and Does Not Want to Become One’ – IOTW Report

‘Hungary Is Not an Immigrant Country and Does Not Want to Become One’


Breitbart: Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s redoubtable Prime Minister, has made it clear that Hungary has no intention of caving into pressures from the European Union (EU) to become an “immigrant country,” in a new letter to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission.

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13 Comments on ‘Hungary Is Not an Immigrant Country and Does Not Want to Become One’

  1. Were any of the tantrum throwers serious (even merely serious about really, really wanting what they are wailing about), the European Union exit papers would already have been (very publicly) filed. Notice of intent to leave carries a two year cooling off period. That’s two more years of negotiating better terms to buy “your” country’s liberation from the EU in less than two years. Or better terms for the EU to buy “your” country’s renewed “loyalty”. Then, after two full years of foreign sovereignty, you can leave. How many of these “countries” that “do not want to be fundamentally transformed by foreigners” have told the European Commission of Not Bribes (hi Turkey! Hi “Libya”!), “This isn’t working out. So we’re out. Maybe. After a few years. But it’s official. Look we’ve got our papers.”?

  2. So Soros Proposes a European Immigration Authority To Take The Responsibility Off The Backs of Individual Countries . What a Sweet And Honest Old Man , Always Thinking of Others First ! As Payment He’ll Need to Silently Run The E.U Immigration Authority… of Coarse !!!

  3. I sympathize.
    But – BUT – Hungary is the “Land of the Huns” who immigrated from the Russian Steppes and drove out the indigenous populants. They won Hungary by fire and sword, and they’re gonna have to use fire and sword to keep it.

    Talking shit won’t help – unless it helps morale.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @OpenTheDoor September 10, 2017 at 9:04 am

    Just because “a” is greater than “b”, doesn’t mean both can’t be less than zero.

    Maybe “Eastern” Europe has had a brilliancy spike. Or maybe “Western” Europe was ruled by Columbia for fifty years.

  5. Western Europe has much material wealth that has caused the citizens to become complacent. As long as they are in relative comfort they are not going to revolt against their corrupt leaders. On the other hand Eastern Europe is still developing capitalism and wealth development. Most people there are one refrigerator away from destitution and won’t put up with foreign welfare recipients let alone politicians that promote them.

  6. I was reading on another site, that many Swedish and German (primarily from Bavaria) middle class tradespeople and professionals are applying to immigrate to Hungary because they are “fed up” with the immigration of so many people who will not assimilate into their new countries. The vaunted Swedish “welfare state” will soon collapse if all the “makers” leave and only the “takers” are left. Margaret Thatcher was so right -“it is all fun and games under Socialism, until you run out of other people’s money!”.

  7. By being Mr. Moneybags to all these non profit organizations, George Soros is in fact become a sort of global king. His plan is to destabilize Europe while he sits pretty in his gated community. I hope Trump supports Orbán or eventually all of Europe will fall to the invasive species that is Muslim immigration.

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