Al Sharpton’s daughter arrested for brawling with NY City cab driver – IOTW Report

Al Sharpton’s daughter arrested for brawling with NY City cab driver

BPR: The daughter of civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton was reportedly arrested early Saturday after attacking a taxi driver in New York City.


Ashley Sharpton, 30, is also accused of taking the cabbie’s keys directly out of the ignition at one point and throwing them without the driver ever seeing, New York Daily News reports.

It all allegedly happened at 1 a.m. when Sharpton and her friends hailed a taxi and each give separate destinations, aggravating the driver in the process. The taxi driver pulled over until directions were clear, but that purportedly upset Sharpton and her fellow passengers, who were presumably out celebrating Sharpton’s birthday.

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16 Comments on Al Sharpton’s daughter arrested for brawling with NY City cab driver

  1. I know a couple Strong Black Women. One in particular is a Single Mother, two daughters. Turned conservative on the second Obama vote. Works her ass off and continues to climb the management chain at Intel. While still participating in her daughters lives. I know her from the gym. At 5:30 AM. A very strong disciplined person. All of us old white guys love her.

  2. “She was charged with petty larceny and given a ticket before being released”, huh?

    Howza bout “arrested, charged with assault, and held on $5000 bond”?

    They have video of her punching the cabbie, don’t they?
    What more do they need?

    Yeah, I know – “special rules for special people”…


  3. Al Sharpton is an
    Unprosecuted CRIMINAL !

    Now we’re supposed to believe that his daughter should not be prosecuted because she’s black and Al’s daughter ?

    Her father got away with a crime therefor
    She should get away with a crime ?

    They want separate crimes for race haters,

    Separate crimes for


  4. “The daughter of civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton…” STOP! STOP right there. He is not and never was a “civil rights” activist. He was, and still is, a low life, con man, racist black mudder fooker. And his rotten daughter didn’t fall far from the tree. Call a spade a spade. I’m tired of this shit. Tired, tired, tired, tired of these naggars.

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