Canada: No Energy For Electric Cars From Government Staffers – IOTW Report

Canada: No Energy For Electric Cars From Government Staffers

Not only is the Ontario government failing to convince regular folks to purchase an electric vehicle, it can’t even get its own staff to buy in.

8 Comments on Canada: No Energy For Electric Cars From Government Staffers

  1. This old game again.

    “Let’s pretend we are virtuous and saving the planet, until our addiction to gas revenue dries up and then we’ll find a new way to punish hybrid owners.”

  2. I’m not surprised. The Ontario government had to pay 1.1 billion dollars to a company that the Liberal Party screwed when it cancelled 4 natural gas electical generating stations after it approved them prior to a provincial election so it could win the seats in that area. This was after they shut down all the coal fired generating plants and pushed hydro rates into the highest on the continent. Why push electric cars when the cost to power them rockets past gasoline and the cost to the environment to build them is spectacular. Oh, wait the Liberals are all in about saving the environment except if it’s another country. McGuinty and Wynne need to be jailed.

  3. In Canada during the winter, the car has to be reliable, If you are going to buy unreliable electric, shoot yourself in the head at home where you are comfy. Why put yourself through all that discomfort? sarcasm

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