Hillary Stands By Her ‘Deplorables’ Remark [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Hillary Stands By Her ‘Deplorables’ Remark [VIDEO]

DC: A defiant Hillary Clinton is standing by her infamous campaign trail comment that a significant portion of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables.”

In an interview with CBS’ Jane Pauley, her first on a tour for her new book, “What Happened,” Clinton dismissed the idea that her comment, made at a Sept. 9, 2016, campaign event, had an impact on the outcome of the election.

“You can put half of Trump’s supporters in what I call a basket of deplorables,” Clinton said during that campaign event.

Trump supporters and other conservatives jumped on the comment and used it to paint Clinton as an out-of-touch elitist.

“Why do you think that word ‘deplorable’ was circulating in your mind?” Pauley asked Clinton.

“I thought Trump was behaving in a deplorable manner. I thought a lot of his appeals to voters were deplorable. I thought his behavior, as we saw on the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape was deplorable.  And there were a large number of people who didn’t care. It did not matter to them,” Clinton said.

“You fed into that though, when you said ‘basket of deplorables,’ you energized…,” Pauley began to respond.

A defiant Clinton cut in: “No, but they were already energized.”

“But you offended some people who didn’t personally feel deplorable at all,” Pauley continued.

“I don’t buy that, I don’t buy that. I’m sorry I gave them a political gift of any kind, but I don’t think it was determinative,” said Clinton.

“It was a gift,” Pauley said, nodding her head and smiling.

Despite Clinton’s denials about the impact of her comment, an internal study conducted on behalf of her campaign suggested that voters were turned off by the quip.  more here

24 Comments on Hillary Stands By Her ‘Deplorables’ Remark [VIDEO]

  1. Talk about the ‘kettle calling the pot black’. You have to go back in history to find anyone as deplorable as Hillary and the Clinton mafia. What a fool.

    The more she keeps digging for the blame for her campaign failure, the deeper the hole she digs for herself. I hope she falls into her self- pity pit, soon.

  2. Bitch needs to FOAD or ESAD. Crunt just needs to do America a yuge favor and disappear. Go to hell, scum. Most miserable person in politics. A national disgrace. Irredeemably corrupt to the core. Zero redeeming qualities. If she was a Republican she would not be eligible for parole for another 40 years. Pathological bull shitter. Treasonous thief.

  3. Hillary and the Clinton Crime Family are guilty of numerous crimes, massive corruption, unbelievable graft and treasonous activities perpetrated on America during their rise in politics.

    Being called a deplorable white racist by this black hearted souless trough of evil is an honor.

  4. It was determinative, you stupid cow. That whole weekend is exactly when I knew you were going to lose. First you called us deplorable. Then two days later you collapsed like a sack of potatoes. And it was over for you.

  5. Another gem from that interview:
    The Clinton’s purchased the home next door in Chappaqua, NY to house Secret Service for Hillary’s presidency.
    Bwahhahahaha! 🙂

    Another opportunity to bilk taxpayers, charge them to house the Secret Service.
    Of course the Clinton Foundation and the poor people swindled in Haiti likely paid for that house.

    At least now Bill can use it as a guest house for the “energizer bunny.”

    Fucking Clintons!

  6. I am proud that hillderbeast thinks I’m deplorable. It must be true cause even my own wife calls me an asshole occasionally. I’m not very politically correct either. I just wonder why every time this rat comes out of her hole reporters piss all over themselves trying to get a statement from her, as If anyone cared what she had to say. I may be deplorable but I could never be as low as her.

  7. I think the title of her book is hilarious. It reminds me of the “What had happened was…” meme, which Urban Dictionary defines as, “the beginnings of trying to explain the fault of a situation or trying to get out of blame for a bad situation”. Or, “Phrase often heard at the beginning of a fictitious tale often offered as an excuse for inappropriate, unprofessional, or otherwise suspect behavior”.

    Q: Hillary, how did you manage to lose a rigged election?
    Hillary: Well, you see, what had happened was, blah, blah, blah, BLAH.

  8. Wow, the Hildabeast is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Some people say she should just go away. I say she needs to stay and show that the Democrat party is vile. They are the party and the stupid, evil voters that support a liar (e.g. sniper fire in Bosnia), corruption (e.g. Clinton Foundation), incompetent (e.g. Benghazi), murderous (e.g. the support for murder by abortion), and sexual perversion (e.g. homosexuality, sexual confusion) and criminal (e.g. classified information on personal server and a 100 felony counts that have not been prosecuted) behavior.

    Anyone who criticizes President Trump had better first explain how they could be so morally deficient to support his opponent.

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