The True Conservatives Hype A Trumpocalypse In A Desperate Bid For Attention – IOTW Report

The True Conservatives Hype A Trumpocalypse In A Desperate Bid For Attention

Town Hall- Kurt Schlichter: The latest Never Trump meme is that Donald Trump has defected to the Democrats, a notion that might charitably be labeled “wishful thinking” if it actually involved any thinking. But the “wishful” part is in full effect as this tattered remnant of worshippers at the altar of Establishment Conservatism seeks to revive their failed cult and reassume their position as the priesthood of all things on the right.

You remember Establishment Conservatism, right? It is to conservatism as Unitarians are to Christianity – “Well, I sort of believe in something, but mostly I just want whatever I do validated.” Establishment Conservatism is the sect that promised for seven years to repeal Obamacare then…didn’t. But that was Trump’s fault, of course, because reasons and because you’re a fake conservative for asking and also shut up.

So, this week’s True Con embarrassment arose because the Republicans were somehow going to score yet another smashing victory in a debt ceiling fight, as they always do, but darn that Trump! He got in the way of their cunning scheme. Or something.

When the collective panty twist went off, their wailing and gnashing of teeth seemed a bit overblown – by a factor of about a zillion. The media, always eager to divide the GOP and helped out by establishment Republicans who are always eager to be divided, dropped the breathless revelation that Trump had made a deal with Schumer and Pelosi to put off the debt ceiling fight until December and to pass a huge hurricane relief package for Texas – you know, where the GOP base lives.  more here

12 Comments on The True Conservatives Hype A Trumpocalypse In A Desperate Bid For Attention

  1. I’m pretty much convinced now that the mainstream GOP is fully faggotified. They’re fucking hopeless. They’re like progressives, but with less courage and balls, but still fucking dedicated to smothering the entirety of all humanity with the “largesse” and “good will” of the US government.

  2. Don’t ever conflate Conservatives with Establishment Republican RINO’s.

    Conservatives are those of us who wish to remain true to the original intent of what the USA was created for and what the Constitution, AS WRITTEN, represents.

    Establishment RINO’s are what are hindering what Trump wants to accomplish.

    Establishment RINO’s sat on their thumbs for the entire Obama presidency because they AGREED with the control it eventually promised Washington over the unwashed surfs.

    The founder’s saw this and provided the 2nd Amendment as a remedy; not just a deterrent.

    The founders would have been shooting by now.

  3. TSUNAMI is correct, the term Establishment Conservatism is an oxymoron.

    The correct term is Establishment Politician, there is no party affiliation needed since their values are those of Big Media, Big Government, Big Tech, Wall-Street et al.

  4. @TSUNAMI September 12, 2017 at 1:33 pm

    The “Constitution, AS WRITTEN” has no “2nd Amendment”. It does, however, have the ever exploitable “subject to change without notice”. So, what changes are in keeping with the duly sanctified “subject to change without notice”? Second Amendment? First Amendment? First ten Amendments (because they were a “package deal”)? Slaves are freed? Slaves are returned to inheritors of their (once again) rightful owners? Women can vote? Alcohol is legal? Alcohol is illegal? Alcohol is legal (again)? What about all the “fluff” that plainly defies the Amendment purview of the federal government, that was, nevertheless, passed, approved, and enforced before the approval of whatever Amendments you give imprimatur? Are they anti-Constitutional, but acceptable, because they were accepted by the people writing the next Amendment that you’re alright with? Do we knock off Amendments, like abominable idol heads, until all the federal, but not Constitutional, holy writ is Constitutionally acceptable? Or do we just get to use the “Articles of Faith” clause, and say, “Why of course this latter post is valid, but this earlier one, that was valid to the writer of the former, is invalid, because I’m sure it is.”?

    “The founders would have been shooting by now.” Without a Most Holy Constitution? How could they?

  5. Conservative, Inc., Establishment Republicans, it’s a mash up of shared and disparate traits. I think Schlichter’s point is that only those two camps would be arguing about the semantics. The rest of us lower case “c” conservatives just want stuff done even if it takes some wheeling and dealing with “the enemies” and not have things end up like Mrs. Havisham’s wedding party where we can all visit the mummified ideals of the perfect solution and hang on tenterhooks with our great expectations.

  6. @The Gunny September 12, 2017 at 3:36 pm

    “there is no party affiliation”

    That is their oath. Do we condemn them for swearing such a moral abomination? Or do we condemn them for forswearing it?

  7. Trump’s a pragmatist. He used to be a Democrat, but switched to Republican because that was the only way to get elected, plus he didn’t like the direction in which the Democrats (and some Republicans) were leading the country. After the election the Republicans had a chance to help him but they never really liked or trusted him, and they blew it. Now Trump has decided to work with anyone who will help him get the job done. unfortunately, that will involve making modifications to some of his campaign promises, but that’s how compromises work, and that’s how you get anything done in the Swamp. Art of the Deal, and all that.

    Trump may turn out to be the first truly Independent President.


  8. @Viet Vet — Trump’s explained his politics many times in the past couple years. You’re right, he’s a pragmatist, but not of the “means justifies the ends” kind that obama and his gang are. If you want to build anything in NYC, you better know how to get through all the personalities, red tape and everything else or you stall out and lose. Which is something else Trump is big on: momentum.

    Remember back when “The Cadillac of ______” meant something? No one would know what you’re talking about today. That’s where we are with the old school Republican party. Schlichter has hit the nail squarely on its head.

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