Hurricane Telethon Turns Into Leftist Rant – IOTW Report

Hurricane Telethon Turns Into Leftist Rant

RUSH: There also was a telethon. A bunch of leftist celebrities got together for a telethon to raise money for the hurricane relief effort, and it quickly turned into the Wellstone Memorial Jr. It became nothing more than a leftist rant. Like, Stevie Wonder led it off. You know, I’ve always told you climate change, to the people that believe it, it’s a religion. As Stevie Wonder was talking about climate change, they had a church choir and an organ with people decked out in robes chanting things behind him while he was singing, eulogizing or talking about climate change.

I mean, literally illustrating to these people that it’s religious. Matt Lauer was interviewing somebody and was asking… Oh, he was part of the telethon, and he was lying about the fact that… He said (summarized), “This is the strongest hurricane! This is the most powerful hurricane on record that has ever hit Florida, the United States.” It’s number 7. It’s not even close. It’s not even close to the biggest and dangerous, most damaging hurricane. They are just out there lying through their teeth about this, and anybody that challenges them is “a terrible person, but we knew that already.”  MORE

16 Comments on Hurricane Telethon Turns Into Leftist Rant

  1. Rather than round up ‘deniers’ like a bunch of illegal rapists, re-educate the general populace about the 23.5 degree tilt, the sun, and orbital ellipses. Inform, on a wholesale unbiased manner that seasons are natural, normal, and change 4 times per year. Next, take back the word ‘deniers’ and apply it to those who deny our country, our borders, and our language.

    Upticks in climate change euphoria take place around these dates: March 20, June 20, September 20, December 20. Going back to when the doors to the asylum were left open.

    You’d think with the recent solar eclipse climate rhetoric would have calmed some given how small our solar system made us look. But no, the mental patients can’t think for themselves. Bouncy and Jizz-E to the rescue!

  2. The Libtards Should be thrown in Jail, For Tricking Poor Stevie Wonder !
    He’s Blind for Gods sake , They’re Probably Telling Him the Sky Has Darkened and There are Dead Birds all Around Him !!!

  3. Rush was talking about this telethon yesterday. He reminded his audience that they didn’t actually “raise” any money, just pledges for money, which many will undoubtedly “forget” to pay up. It just looks good for the viewing audience that so-and-so gave the big bucks.

    Meanwhile, Rush said, a professional sports guy (can’t remember who, now) started a Twitter fundraiser among some of his cohort with the intention of raising a couple hundred thousand(?) and ended up, because of word of mouth/retweets/etc. raising over 20 million. No big gala tee vee event, no Hollywood celebs and wannabes. The thing just organically snowballed into a pile of money being actually raised and not simply pledged. Plus the guy who started it all was, according to Limbaugh, down in TX or FL (can’t remember which) physically involved with relief efforts; not getting his hair and makeup done for his big entrance on the gala tee vee telethon stage. I loved the comparison.

  4. Smug A-holes that weren’t down here. Stop pretending to care Hollywood, we know you hate Texas and Texans! If you really cared, you’d be down here helping people fix their homes. You people are DISGRACEFUL!

  5. Stevie lives in one of those Febreeze commercials. The ones where they usually blindfold somebody and put them in a car or crappy one bedroom apartment filled with garbage but they can’t tell because someone sprayed air freshener in it.

    As far as he knows, there are rivers of piping hot lava and trees afire in every city 24 hours a day from global warming. Careful there, Stevie. You almost fell into that crack into the earth’s crust caused by fracking.

    When you believe in things you don’t understand you will suffer my receding hairlined, friend. Superstitioun ain’t the way.

  6. I hate any kind of celebrity telethons (including the used to be annual Labor DayJerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy boreathon) , pledge drives on PBS and NPR. It’s just an excuse for these celebutards to fleece the suckers who buy into their bs. I have better things to spend my hard earned money on and they ain’t getting anything from me ever. You can call me cruel and heartless but if it’s for a worthy cause I’ll gladly donate but for something that just makes me feel good because they say so, they can shove it. This nonsense has been going on forever at least since the concert for Biafra back in the early 70’s, the We are the world crap where tons of people joined hands across America for their worthless cause just to feel good and sing Kumbaya.

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