VIRGINIA: Struggling DCCC-Backed Candidate Wants Convention in Lieu of Primary – IOTW Report

VIRGINIA: Struggling DCCC-Backed Candidate Wants Convention in Lieu of Primary


Democrats in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District are seriously considering changing their party nominating process from a primary system to a convention or caucus.

The reason for the change, according to Politico, is to give a boost to foundering candidate Jennifer Wexton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)’s preferred candidate.

The DCCC touted Wexton’s entrance when she declared her candidacy in April, but her fundraising has trailed three main rivals: Obama administration alumni Lindsey Davis Stover and Alison Friedman and Rhodes Scholar and Army veteran Daniel Helmer.

Some Democrats in the district think Wexton, the only candidate with experience running elections in the 10th District, may prefer a more insular convention to a more expensive primary, though Prukowski said he didn’t think those pushing for a convention were looking to help Wexton.

Nine Democrats have lined up to challenge incumbent Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) in the suburban Washington, D.C. district.  more

9 Comments on VIRGINIA: Struggling DCCC-Backed Candidate Wants Convention in Lieu of Primary

  1. The democrat party is following Debbie WassermannSchultz recipe for fixing elections. It worked for Hillary. Democrats don’t even have to vote, the corrupt DNC politburo will make decisions for them.

  2. Comstock is a McConnell girl so she’s not going to have any deep support among the base.So its easy to see why the dems are having the equivalent of a parana feeding frenzy of challengers.

  3. Yep. Looked it up. Comstock got an American Conservative Union rating of 50 in her first year. 76 in 2016. As opposed to Dave Brat, who scored 100 both years.

    I guess this could be considered to be off topic, but I don’t think it much matters what happens in that district. It’s sunk either way. That Dems are once again manipulating the process and pissing people off
    Is pretty cool, though.

  4. There’s a lot if disillusioned anger on the left that’s been slow boiling since Bernie had the nomination yanked away from him. Hillary’s latest book tour hasn’t done anything to lessen the rage and their performance in congress has been just as dismal.

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