New NRSC Ad Hits Claire McCaskill for Saying ‘Normal People’ Can Afford a Private Plane – IOTW Report

New NRSC Ad Hits Claire McCaskill for Saying ‘Normal People’ Can Afford a Private Plane


The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is hitting Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) for her use of a private plane, in a new ad released Wednesday.

The ad quotes McCaskill joking about her husband’s private plane. She says, “Will you remind them when they come after me about my husband’s plane, that normal people can afford it?”

The narrator then sarcastically discusses the McCaskills’ purchase of a $3 million plane, and repeats McCaskill’s line about “normal people” affording such an extravagant item.   Watch

19 Comments on New NRSC Ad Hits Claire McCaskill for Saying ‘Normal People’ Can Afford a Private Plane

  1. My dad was a hard working normal guy who loved flying and wanted his own plane his whole life. He finally bought a used one, but all the regulations, inspections and insurance requirements forced him to sell it after a mere 2 years.
    This was in the 80’s and since then the prices have skyrocketed even more.

  2. @moose, tell me about it, been there, did that.
    Four “normal people” couldn’t afford it, after only one lost his job.
    It damn sure wasn’t a $3M one either.
    Bet she doesn’t personally know anybody who voted for President Trump.

  3. Aristocrats.

    They make me want to puke.

    It would probably be different if they did something constructive for the country – you know – built something, saved someone, made life better in some small way – but these assholes sell influence – they sell access to their offices so the shysters and shylocks (no imputation of Jews, here) can fleece the taxpayers.

    THIS is why the FedGov is an enigma.
    THIS is why things are so “complex.”
    THIS is why there exists a Kafkaesque absurdity to law and regulation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. McCain doesn’t know how many houses he owns. Romney doesn’t know how much a loaf of bread costs. John Kerry parks his yacht in neighboring state to avoid taxes. They are exempt from Obamacare.

    we are ruled by people who are immune to their own policies. No dirty 3rd worlders are ever going to cause them even even the slightest inconvenience. They can’t afford to live where our politicians live.

  5. There’s nothing, really, wrong with being poor. By choice. Since middle class starts at one-million-dollars, why can’t clean, decent, people just buy their own planes?

    (The financial quote about the dividing line between middle and lower class comes from American Hero John McCain. So it must be true.)

  6. The reason the government wants to put their hands on every last thing, they use regulation and provide for things is because of the money they charge to do it. They have to have their fingers on everything.
    I have a friend that broken axle on his trailer and spelled 45 gallons of vegetable oil, the private contractor that was cleaning it up said it was about $1200 for him to do it but he couldn’t take a check from him. The city of Portland charge him $12,000.

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