Study: Bald Men Perceived As More Attractive, Dominant – IOTW Report

Study: Bald Men Perceived As More Attractive, Dominant

CBS Local — According to a new study, bald really is beautiful. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have released the results of a survey that found that men who have shed their hair are more attractive.

The study was composed of three major tests given to students on campus. Male and female students were asked to rate photos of men according to attractiveness, confidence, and dominance. Some of the photos also digitally removed hair from some of the pictures to show the same person with and without their locks.  more here

29 Comments on Study: Bald Men Perceived As More Attractive, Dominant

  1. I’ve been bald since I was in my early 40’s. It used to bug me but I’m used to it now and I have less hair to cut twice a year. I got it from my Dad and my younger brothers have a lot less hair on top now as well and they look older than I do. You know the old joke, What do you call a bunch of rabbits off in the distance? A receding hare line.

  2. I don’t know how bald I am. My brothers both had lots of hair, but I’ve been shaving it all off since the Army in ’82. it never gets more than 1/4″. Still sorta salt and pepper.

  3. Well, I won’t be lettin Mrs Galt see this “study”, if that’s what it really is, as she is a Sci-Fi fan and thinks that lefty piece of crap Patrick Stewart is the cat’s pajamas.
    I’m President Trumps age and still have all of my hair. Here’s a tip for all you youngsters out there, DON’T wear a hat unless of course you believe this so called “study”. All of my friends from high school, those still alive, have lost most of their hair and they wear hats! Coincidence, I don’t think so.

  4. …Are you sure that they didn’t accidentally survey a ‘Mr Clean appreciation club’?
    Just… bald is not attractive, at all. But if a guy has a handsome face and is a genuinely good and kind person, I can overlook the baldness. But nope. Bald is like almost an anti-attraction imo.

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