Former Clinton Staffer Blames SEXISM And ‘Black President’ For 2016 Election – IOTW Report

Former Clinton Staffer Blames SEXISM And ‘Black President’ For 2016 Election

DC: Former communications director for Hillary Clinton Jess McIntosh stated on MSNBC Friday that Donald Trump’s election was both a “sexist reaction” to Hillary and a reaction to a black president.

McIntosh remarked, “…2016 was not just a sexist reaction to having a woman nominee. It was the backlash to having eight years of a black president and that’s why we saw that intersection of vitriol reach the level in 2016. It was the twofer–and that backlash created something like Donald Trump being able to rise the way he did.”

The panel was focused on Clinton’s comments in her new book “What Happened,” in which she openly blames sexism for her 2016 election loss.

In the book, Clinton asks, “What makes me such a lightning rod for fury? I’m really asking. I’m at a loss,” before answering, “I think it’s partly because I’m a woman.”

McIntosh has previously referred to herself as a, “liberal, half-Mexican, half-queer New Yorker who’s spent her adult life in progressive feminist politics.”

She made headlines after the 2016 election for blaming Clinton’s loss of the “internalized misogyny” of white women.   WATCH

18 Comments on Former Clinton Staffer Blames SEXISM And ‘Black President’ For 2016 Election

  1. well, then i am proud to be a racist and sexist, whatever it took to kick her frumpy ass to the curb

    btw dude, compare trump taking the bull by the horns and taking on the post-obama disaster to your candidate spending her time on a whining tour

  2. So, when your smarterer than the sexist American people, and your betterer than the racist American people, and you’re more progressessified than the queerphobic American people… the way to beat them with their own stupid disregard for their own self-interests, is to keep offering womyn, of colors, who hate breeders. For great justice.

  3. We Voted How we did, Because Our Country Was Falling apart !
    There Were No Qualified Black’s or Women Running That Were Running … Go Back To Mexico City , and Slime your Own Streets !!!

  4. Back in the day when Clinton was president and Hillary thought she was co president
    That arrogant bitch
    My mother wanted to drive to D.C. Knock on the door and ask to see Hillary and smack that bitch silly.
    We voted for your husband not you.
    After 10 years on the psychiatric couch my mother is a republican

  5. ” … it was backlash to having 8 years of a black president.” The country REJECTED Hillary Clinton after 8 years of George Bush in 2008. And THEN it REJECTED Hillary Clinton AGAIN after 8 years of Obama, in 2016. It doesn’t matter who was Pres at the time, Hillary Clinton has repulsed me for a quarter of a Century, since 1992. I’m not the only one.

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