“It puts the apples in the blue bowl, or it gets the hose again” – IOTW Report

“It puts the apples in the blue bowl, or it gets the hose again”

 Looks like Hillary has control issues.

Who knew?


New Email Revelation: Hillary’s Apples Go in Blue Bowl… And No Brown Spots!

19 Comments on “It puts the apples in the blue bowl, or it gets the hose again”

  1. Hillary controlling?

    “It puts the lotion on its skin, you have no idea what kind of Hell I can bring you”.
    Personally I thought she was great in Joe Dirt. Oh, that was Christopher Walken?

  2. They’re just a prop. She keeps them on display so people think she could actually take a bite out of one. She takes satisfaction watching them whither and brown, and then passes them off to her staff, as she is provided new apples for her pleasure.
    I don’t like the person.

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