NY Gov. Cuomo seems to be having some trouble with MS-13 gang – IOTW Report

NY Gov. Cuomo seems to be having some trouble with MS-13 gang

Breitbart: New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, who favors open borders and sanctuary city type policies, announced the deployment of a new Gang Violence Prevention Unit. The unit consists of ten State Troopers, who are being deployed to the top ten high-risk Suffolk County schools that currently serve as ground zero for gang activity and recruitment. The specialized gang violence prevention unit will pro-actively work with educators at the schools to help identify early warnings of gang recruitment and violence.

Governor Cuomo, who has openly blasted President Trump’s proposed immigration policies, announced the deployment of this specialized unit that will work closely with the Suffolk County Police Department in developing an anti-gang curriculum. The unit will deliver the curriculumwhich to students to better educate them about the dangers of gangs. The unit will also attempt to cultivate a relationship with students. It will also launch an “Educate the Educators” program to better equip teachers and faculty with the necessary skills to better recognize the early warning signs of gang involvement and recruitment.

The announcement comes on the one-year anniversary of the brutal murders of high-school students Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas by MS-13 gang members. The horrific deaths of Mickens and Cuevas drew national outrage after six MS-13 gang members used baseball bats and a machete to brutally murder the victims in a gang revenge killing.  more here

13 Comments on NY Gov. Cuomo seems to be having some trouble with MS-13 gang

  1. All the troopers can really say to the yoots is that if you join a gang, first you’ll be abused cruelly for a while, second you may feel good and have some serious walking around money for a while, then third you’ll be dead for a while. Like forever.

  2. Gov. Don Fredo Cuomo is now touring the U.S. Virgin Islands to educate local politico boss-types how their “families” can better profit personally from the hurricane Irma disaster. Hardship brings immense opportunity…just ask Hillary.

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